
If 'Never on a Sunday' is the answer...what's the question?

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If 'Never on a Sunday' is the answer...what's the question?




  1. 1 when can we have a party

    2 when does a crab doesn't walk sideways

    3 when can you go to the post office

    4 what day can you go to buy a car

  2. Serious question like 'Will there be weddings in a church everyday ?'

    Gila question like 'Will the Prime Minister not stay awake  every day ?'

  3. Do you wash after you p**p ?

  4. Stranger on a bus ?

  5. What is the remaining logical sentence to complete the below sequence?

    1. Never on a Monday

    2. Never on a Tuesday

    3. Never on a Wednesday

    4. Never on a Thursday

    5. Never on a Friday

    6. Never on a Saturday

    7. ________________

  6. no Church today??

  7. do you go to church everyday?

  8. Should we always indulge in s*x?

  9. do you wake up early in the morning?

  10. do you take bath everyday?

  11. would u go out with me?

  12. Can you online (YM) this weekend?

  13. If I were to ask you to arrange the following words: Sunday, a, Never, on,   to from a well known quote, what would it be ?

  14. would u kiss me on everyday in a week...???

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