
If 'cheeseheads' are from Wisconsin...?

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...what are people from your state called? And why?

Please & thanks.




  1. Dam backwoods hillbillies. At least my area. Bunch of yahoos I tell ya. LMAO

  2. I've lived in New Hampshire my whole life and don't know if we are New Hampshirans or New Hampshirites.  Actually we are usually called "Granite Staters".

    because New Hampshire is known as the Granite State.

  3. I'm in Illinois and I have no idea what the h**l these people are called?

    Spandex homos?  Oh, wait that's just GCG.

  4. People from Illinois are also called Flatlanders or FIB's. FIB stands for ******* Illinois *******.

  5. Zonies.

    Kinda boring I know but Arizona is "fly over country" to most people and the all of the media.

  6. Michiganders and I have no idea why

    People from Wisconsin are called Wisconsinites

  7. well if you live below thw mackinaw Bridge your called a troll. Now if you come to michigan to mackinaw or the Island your called a fudgie because most tourists buy the awesome fudge we make there.

  8. Bull-riding Shitkickers.

  9. Illinoisians...also known as the wicked cool, wait, that sounds Boston, Massish....we're the, h**l if I know...

  10. Moonpie Heads. (A moonpie, for the uninitiated, is a big sandwich cookie with marshmallow cream in the middle, and covered with chocolate.)

    Or -- Rednecks.

  11. Okies.  Because the state is called Oklahoma.  

  12. I live in Flori-duh...So we don't know how to vote.

    If your from Tampa it makes you a Tampon

  13. Mighty fine, because we are exactly that  

  14. Beachbums.....California...need I say more darlin....♥

  15. Hmmm.......

    Well, I live in NC, and supposedly we're the "Tarheels," but I think sh*t-for-brains rednecks suits everyone here.

    No offense to anyone else living here, but everyone is soooo stupid!

    There are SOME exceptions, like me. :)

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