
If 5 carpenters can make 30 tables in 2 days, how long will it takes for 8 carpenters to make 100 tables

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If 5 carpenters can make 30 tables in 2 days, how long will it takes for 8 carpenters to make 100 tables




  1. Hey I don't know exactly I haven't stopped to think through the math too long .

    But just a humorous outcome may follow:

    By the way, If you did hire 8 carpenters vs 5 , there is a chance that the 3 would lower the overall production.  And cause all 8 to be less productive as a result.  Of course, the first 5 would think that their job was in question and conclude that you were not satisfied with their work.  And thus believe that the 3 new carpenters were there only to catch their short fall.  

      Therefore expecting that these 5 carpenters would work for you in the near future is slim to none - and most likely to result in a no show.

      Now if you check the cost of doing this - it would have definitely been a lot more productive to get the first 5 guys to work harder - just by letting them know that there was more work and more money for them after they had finished the first job of 30 tables.  This would be what is considered a win-win situation.  

    Please unplug your saw when you are done son.

    Chris W.


  2. 4 days

  3. You'll never pass your exams if you dont do your own homework

  4. 4 1/2 days the tables should be made providing the other carpenters are as good as the original 5 carpenters Good Luck

  5. All things being equal --which they rarely are-- it would take slightly less than 4.17 days for eight carpenters to make 100 tables.

    30 tables in 2 days = 15 tables per day.

    15 tables made by 5 carpenters in one day = 3 tables per carpenter per day.

    100 tables needed divided by three tables per day = 33.33 days for one carpenter (at three tables a day) to make 100 tables.

    33.33 days divided by 8 available carpenters = 4.17 days for 8 carpenters to make 100 tables.

    TX Griff

  6. 3

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