
If 50 pecent of all liberals left country what would you have?

by  |  earlier

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A job half Finished!!!!!!!!!!




  1. substitute lawyers for liberals.

  2. A dictatorship

  3. An English-speaking analog of 1930's Germany. But then, we're pretty close to that now. Maybe 1940...

  4. From you a sigh of relief

  5. You would lose a driving force for change in society and that is not necessarily a good or bad thing.  A productive and growing society needs both liberals and conservatives in order to develop in a manner that creates growth and maturity.  Liberal minds (not all liberals are liberally minded some are just radical) create new ideas and give strength to new movements.  But that is not to say that all of those movements are correct and it generally the conservatives (a conservative must recognize positive liberal ideas or perish with time) who give the ultimate strength to socially correct ideas.  Without conservatives society would be without direction and it would dissolve due to a lack of identity.  Without liberals society would stagnate and dissolve as well.

  6. Nah, just a few less libs.

    But they're kinda cute and cuddly, so let's keep a few around!

  7. h**l ....

  8. A much better country   and yes, a job only half finished

  9. Hmm.. a theocracy! A return to America.. pre-civil rights movement.    We'd be taught creationism in school and fall even further behind other countries in math and science.  Confederate flag sales would be through the tin roof!  LOL.

  10. A lot of repressed closet-homosexuals with no one to call on a Friday night when the "wife and kids" are out watching a movie.

  11. A lot less people on welfare.

  12. A less secular progressive society.

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