
If 6% of an amount is $300, what is the amount?

by  |  earlier

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Also, can someone increase $240 by 15%?




  1. 5000

  2. I dont know.

    im not very good at math


  3. 6*x/100 = 300

    6*x = 30000

    x = 30000/6

    x = 5000

  4. 300/0.06

  5. $5000

  6. time for some terminology:

    #1: "per cent" means "of 100."

    #2: therefore, $300 is 6 parts of 100 ... right?

    #3: if you know that 6% is 300, then you just have to divide 6 into 300 and you get the answer for 1% ( = "1 part of 100"... I'll let YOU do that part of the math !!)

    I always like to do the math to figure out what 1% is, in any problem; then I multiply whatever 1% is by 100.

    Another way to say 6% is .06 ...right? and another way to say 6% is 6/100.

    One formula you could use is 300 divided by .06 ( = 300/.06)

    Part of the deal about math is that there's a formula for everything; and often, there's more than 1 way to arrive at an answer because there's more than 1 formula !!! That means that every time you have that specific type of math problem, there's a formula (or formulaS) for it. All you're doing, then, is substituting one set of numbers for another.


    Your second question:

    #1: You already know that 240 is 100% of the amount of money: you want to know 15% more would be.

    #2: Could you multiply 240 "times" 1.15 (1-point-15)?

    240 x 1.15 ... don't forget your decimal points... and using common sense helps, too: you know that the answer has to be larger/greater/more than 240, ... right?

    Like in the previous example, I like to find out what 1% is; in this problem, it's 2.4 ( = 2-point-4, right?) So, can you multiply 2.4 'times' 115? (2.4 x 115). See: different ways to come to the same comclusion.

  7. The trick to percent problems is the terminology

    of means to multiply

    is means equals, so

    .06 times amount = 300

    .06x = 300

    x = 300/.06

    x = $5000

  8. 300/x = 0.06

    x = 300/0.06 = $5000

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