
If 9/11 snarf hppened again and a plane was heading for a tall building snarf snarf. Should the plane be shot?

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down? In other words kill the people on the plane snarf to avoid killing people in the building. snarf snarf


If you are vegitarian and animal lover, and a man was holding a gun at 3 chickens. And he said you eat one chicken and I will not kill the other 2 chickens. Would you eat the chicken to save the other 2 chickens. snarf snarf




  1. Whats with the 'snarf'? Do you have some form of nervous disorder that manifests itself when you type questions on YA?

    The Building might be empty anyway and I would eat the chicken as well as the other two to avoid them missing their deceased friend.

  2. Well, wasn't Flight 93 shot down on 9/11? I recall hearing former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld say this and then he quickly retracted himself.

  3. snarf? .......that's quite strange......and annoying.

    anyway.....yes, the plane should be shot. The lives of many, outweigh the lives of a few. The building being full or empty might have some bearing on the situation, as the previous person mentioned.


    Well, I like animals. But I also like eating Chicken.. So no problem there.

  4. The problem with the first scenario is that you have to know that this is happeneing; otherwise you watch helplessly as the plane meets destiny

  5. IF the plane was shot down, it would cause just as much damage so your question is not logical. i think a vegatarian would let all three die rather than eat them

  6. Only if it's full of Muslim terrorists, and not innocent people.

    Better idea would not be to let Muslim terrorists in our country in the first place.

    All extremists breed, and preach - is present and future generations of hate

  7. How can anyone take a question seriously when it,s peppered with stupid interjections like "snarf snarf".Is this meant to be clever or amusing or what? I find it neither.

  8. i'd shoot the plane of course, there are less people on a plane.

    eat the chicken save the other 2 for later

  9. what the heck is a snarf???

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