
If 9/11 was really an inside job then what was the ultimate goal?

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If 9/11 was really an inside job then what was the ultimate goal?




  1. I want you to take a pause for a few minutes and search for responses of people regarding your statement of Americans believing 911 was an inside job. Now .....take a deep breath and keep your mind's eye open for the remainder of my message to you. What I will tell you may be the single most important message you will ever hear. There was a saying that originated from Adolf Hitler that stated, the best lie and most successful LIE ( most likely to believed by an unwitting group of people ) is always the BIG lie, because the small lies are never believed, but the BIG lies are always believed because psychologically, the masses simply can't comprehend that anyone could be capable of such a monstrous LIE. I know this sounds confusing , but do you understand what I'm talking about? The power of the media propaganda in this country is so powerful ( look at what people have commented ) ...that most of the individuals stated that they believed the government and are completely brainwashed into thinking that 911 was caused by Muslims. .....I can't get too lengthy in my explanation....but yes.....911 was an inside job, performed by rogue elements within our government. The study of 911 and the obviousness of government complicity is obvious to some people with only a little heady research and factual info, but for many , like the 7 or so people who have commented thus far, the psychological prospect that 911 could have been caused by our own government is too much to hurts too destroys the way they have always seen the world and their beloved USA....these people are NOT psychologically ready to accept this FACT. It reminds me of a scene in the Matrix when Morpheus is telling Neo that the people around him are so helplessly devoted to the lie that they will fight to protect the delusion they are in. It's the same here..... The overall prospect of 911 study requires a deep learning curve to fully understand it all...but without a shadow of a doubt....911 WAS an inside job. All this talk of crazy nuts, tin foil hats, UFO's is not going to affect what will always be an incontrovertable fact......that our government killed 3000 innocent people on 911....Their overall goal is the creation of a New World Order creating a a blend of fascism, communism  and socialism that would enslave all of humanity..

    I'll provide you with some links-------->

  2. American imperialism eventually folding into one-world communist government. Great for elites, it sucks for real people. Read up on PNAC, CFR, new world order, global government and all that jazz.

    The wars were preplanned as part of the game. The players needed a false flag to start the game.

    Dig up the scripps howard 2006 poll.

    36% = inside job;

    80% = disbelieve govt. story

    Hardly a minority of peeps!

    The sheeple wish they were the majority and convince themselves so cuz the sheeple-media tells them so, and they are scared to accept the big lie.

  3. It wasn't an inside job.

    In answer to your question, a small minority or people believe we made it all up so that we could start a war and get the profits from oil.

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