
If A Homeless Person Asks Me For Money Should I Spit On Them And Say Fuc* Off?

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This old woman with a baby approached me as I was going to spend 20 Pounds ons sweeties and stuff right. But she was begging and begging and my heart just could refuse so I gave it to her.

As I was coming home I saw her with alcohol in her babies pram.

I was mortified

Next time shall I just say "h**l No"




  1. hey i know that was a horrible thing she did, but that doesnt mean all homeless people are bad...

    how about next time, instead of giving them money, give them food or something useful to them on the street

    they are homeless for a reason, probably not very well with handling money

    remember that just because you have one bad experience doesnt mean they will all be like that.

  2. Well, wow! That's harsh, but maybe you should try giving SOME of your money... besides there has to be a reason that she's homeless, right? And even if that reason's bad... she did have a baby.  

  3. Never give a homeless person money. If you feel bad, just directly buy them food. But I warn you, do not feel angry if you see them throw the food away because they probably just wanted booze or drugs the entire time. If you give them money, you may possibly contribute to the economy of drugs.  

  4. No, give to all, even if it is wasted, you did something and God knows that, and will reward you. Never say F*ck off. That's rude, espicially if the person will use the money

  5. Before you harden your heart, think of another way to help.  It breaks your heart to see the troubled mother abuse your gift, so next time, don't give cash.  Offer to provide food. Ask when was the last time you ate?  Then purchase a decent to-go meal. Yes, it takes a bit more time, but this way you're not hit with the horrible truth that people who are addicted with sell their own children's future for their next hit of whatever.  You've been generous, and perhaps helped...  Besides the next person you meet may not have eaten good food in a very long time, and may really appreciate your help.  

  6. Most homeless people are mentally ill and actually do not do drugs or alcohol, however there is always that chance that they are drug addicts or alcoholics.

    A growing number of homeless are people who are just down on their luck because of the economy and the housing situation.

  7. You never know what the person is going to use the money for. Once you give it to them it is their money. I wouldn't give this person money again but don't group all homeless into one stereotype just because of her. They are all different, just like all non homeless people are different. If it would make you feel better, go and buy the baby some formula next time instead. Keep a sandwich on you to hand out to homeless. They are people too and do deserve to be treated with respect. You don't have to give them your money but for goodness sake, at least treat them as if they are humans. (Because they are)

  8. if its the same person i would go to the nearest store and buy a jar of baby food for the baby  tell the woman the last time i gave you money you spend it on booze so no  i would buy food for the homeless but no money

  9. If you are going to try to help someone like that, buy the food yourself, and give it to her.  If she has a baby, direct her to a social agency where she can get help.  I would also report it to the police.  In the US, at least, trying to raise a baby on the streets would not be tolerated.

  10. If you want to give something to a homeless person, I would suggest buying that person food.  That way the money won't be spent on alcohol.  No reason to be rude about it.

  11. spritting on someone is terrible,,,but id try to get her some groceries instead of giving money...becuause some  homeless will buy booze and stuff  but so will a person that has is a good feelin when you help someone  but when ya see that they bought alcohol instead of food that  is a feeling that ya been had .. next time you can even  take her to a burger place so ya can see she  used it for food  at least for the child

  12. Ignore her.  Why stoop to the level of cursing her our and spitting on her?  To what purpose would that serve?  She is obviously mentally ill or seriously suffering some how.  If you can't help, just stay way.  

    be the better person.  You know she is scamming.  Don't give her any money, just walk away.

  13. That is why once a homeless person asked me for money for food so i went in teh store and bought him food because you never know what there gonna do with it.

  14. i know some  homeless people are just looking for alcohol and drugs but some are just good people who are down on their luck. i would'nt cuss at them. but you don't have to give them money if you choose not to either.  

  15. i suggest you just give them a small portion of your money. not all of it.

    after all. a human being never ever knows where they might end up in the future.

    but ALSO. remember that if a person has money to spend, that that person must have worked their butt off for it.

    so. dont take money for granted, but dont let go of it easily either.

    hope it helps :]

  16. Tell them you don't have any cash, all you have is a debit card. They will leave you alone. That's what I always do. People always approach me, I don't know why, but I usually use that excuse because I'm struggling just as much as the next person, but I would never beg a stranger! They can get a job if they try hard enough. And if she has a baby, she should be ashamed. Go to a shelter or something, at least for your child's sake!

  17. I like to give my money to organizations that help the homeless.  That way, you know the money is going towards positives like beds and food, instead of cigarettes and alcohol.  Unfortunately, there are a lot of addicts and people with mental problems on the streets.

  18. Buy them a sandwhich, or a baguette. They can eat it and survive. Most money otherwise goes to alcohol and cigarettes. There are homeless who spit on it and give it back, making clear they only desire booze/smoking money.

  19. no.

    some homeless people are different.

    but i would suggest buying them a meal if they look hungry?

    that way you know they wont be drinking with the money you gave them. plus if they are really trying to get money for food not alcohol theyll be grateful(:

  20. No, don't spit on anyone. But, unless it's just change that I have in my pocket I no longer give money. This happens frequently at a all night store in this city. I've offered to take that person inside and buy them a sandwich. Some accept and others have said no thank you. I assume their the ones that are hoping to gather up enough to buy alcohol.

  21. A lot of homeless people tend to alcoholism to cure their hunger because alcohol can be cheap. You can't help every homeless person on the street, but you won't see a homeless person everyday either. If you really want to help, direct one (not everybody) to a homeless shelter. I won't ever give them any money either, although I have in the past which just shows that street people will take advantage of it.

  22. Yes that is very sad..But id rather give a homeless person a meal, a fresh blanket, jacket, or boots. When you give homeless people money they tend to buy things that are wants and not needs. I learned this from my Mom. A friend of hers is a crack addict and wanted money for ciggarettes. Instead of giving her cash, she bought a box. But yes, thats sad what she did with the money you gave her.

  23. Don't spit, just say no!

    My friend once seen a homeless man as she was going into a shop so she bought him a sandwich & gave it him when she got out but he threw it back at her & swore her up & down because she wouldn't give him money!

  24. If you don't want to give them anything that's fine,  Rudeness is not necessary and how would you like it if someone spat on you and told you off if you were in need?  

  25. no. not all 'homeless' people will spend their money on alcohol, trust me. in new york i give money to people all the time, not alot but enough. the way i see it is that if you, or i, was with out a place to call home, then i would want someone to spare me, even a dollar or two. you did give it to her right?  so it was her choice to spend it on worthless items. i don't know how much 20 pounds will get you, but she could spend the rest on food or a necessity. plus it's good kharma, so please refrain from spitting on people.

  26. ok don't spit on them. just walk past them.  i know how you feel. i was in Chicago and the man was near the train in a wheel chair he was missing his legs. i gave him 5 dollars. i saw him later that day and he was walking. he moved his legs from underneath him, unrolled his pants, got up, and walked off. i asked for my money back. and you better believe i got it. figure out the ones you can trust. don't give to the ones asking just the ones standing there with a cup.  find they are more needing of it. i am not one to get scammed

  27. No but maybe next time you can tell her why you aren't going to give her money. Or you can just ignore her. Unfortunately some people put themselves into the situation they are in, and it appears as though she doesn't want help but would rather make people try and feel sorry for her.

  28. I was always told instead of giving money to someone like that, is to give them food... I have in the past, went through a drive through and bought a meal and gave them that instead of money... How unfortunate that she has a baby that has to live life this way

  29. Either way it wouldn't have gone to good use. Sweeties. Ha. Well, I buy them food sometimes. I know some can be cons, but hey, shame on them. At least I know I'm trying to bring some good in the world, and some genuinely are homeless, and it could just as easily be you one day.

  30. Freewill giving is the most powerful way to help those in need.  Next time, you can try to politely ignore individuals asking for money and give your money to reliable charitable organizations.  I wouldn't be rude about it tho, in case they really are intending to use it for something useful.  Just a thought.  

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