
If AFL football is so good why hasn't it.............?

by  |  earlier

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............taken off & played by other countries?

The two rugby codes are played all over the world----just look at the world cups with those codes.

All Australians can do is play a hybrid mix-match against Ireland-----& that is with a ROUND ball!




  1. I don't know. I know nothing of Aussie Rules football.

  2. other countries dont want to play because they dont have the balls to p[lay it and their not tough enough. also it is  a running game and countries wont be able to keep up with it

  3. Its all simply a matter of.... SKILL,....and exactly the reason AFL is the "GREATEST" game in the world, if it wasn't ,....  turds like you wouldn't be here "jealously" complaining about it.   Rugby does not REQUIRE skill,.. you only need a Boof head and braun for  the game.   Have you not seen ppl from other countries attempt to kick an AFL  ball, "they cant", same as rugby players, who have to kick it off the ground.     Overseas countries also don t have Aboriginals, who add another level of skill,pace, agility, and excitement to the AFL game .

  4. It's played in at least 10 other countries, r****d

  5. I don't care. I just like watching the men who play it.

  6. Fact one, more people play AFL in the USA than play in Australia.

    Fact two, you come onto this forum because your jealous of the amount of people we have on here compared to the lack of people who want to discuss League.

    Fact three, your balls haven't dropped yet because if they had you would be playing AFL and not taking it up the a%*e like you do in League.

  7. yawn/stretch,another hard hitting question from you i see-don't stress son school will be back soon,it'll give you something else to do.

  8. its played in  australia

                        new zealand




                        south africa




                        and  tasmania.. :)

  9. It has.  Japan is starting it's own league.  It's only a matter of time before other countries start picking up on AFL as an alternative sport to rugby and soccer.

    Soccer and rugby, and American Gridiron, have such a stranglehold on sports overseas that it will take time for people to become familiar with our 'weird' ball game.

    It's only a matter of time.

    What do you have against AFL?  Are you a New South Welshie?

  10. It's specially designed for AUSTRALIANS

  11. After reading many of your questions. To me it seems like you have it in for the Aussie's famous and loved sport of AFL.

    You know it takes time to introduce a new sport and for it to be able to be played all over the world.

    The so-called first match in 1858(Scotch College v Melbourne Grammar) was played under modified Rugby School rules. So technically is a form of rugby that was just modified.

    It originated in the state of victoria and was then known or formed the VFA in 1877.

    I have this interesting read for you that I stumbled across you may be interested in just go to this web site below.

    After reading this you may look at AFL differently, this was something I never knew about.

    However as to your question, Rome wasnt built in a day and as I said it takes time and it is slowly getting better known over seas. I still dont understand rugby league and union. But because Ive always lived and known AFL, I think its a good game. Its an Aussie thing really.

  12. probably because you are a clone

  13. It is.

      And besides Ireland as well.

      There has been 17 tournaments of Aussie Rules featuring teams outside of Ireland.


    The first tornament was won by Usa beating Canada in both matches.

    And then it was included as a sport in the Arafura Games.

    It is played out of Australia.

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