fear mongering attempt, one that had a scientific consensus like AGW?
So obviously then you can't say global cooling of the 1970's (no scientific consensus--see below link), can't say Y2K (no consensus among computer experts), can't say cultic predictions of the end of the world (obviously no scientific background at all), etc. etc.
And if you disagree with me about its consensus status, send me links that prove me wrong. Newsweek columns obviously don't count. I want scientific data that proves a consensus. If you can't give me one I'll assume you don't know what you're talking about, thanks for strengthening my point.
70's 'consensus' a lie: http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/environment/2008-02-20-global-cooling_N.htm
scientists were more worried about global warming then, in fact, more than SIX TIMES as much.