
If AIDS had stayed within the poor black community and the g*y community...Would anything have been done?

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Would there have been efforts made to combat AIDS?




  1. It pretty much HAS stayed in the g*y,and poor black community, while getting some offshoots in the dirty needle sharing catagory. I think  we need not waste any more time and money on AIDS as a condom is really the only solution needed. Oh,  and not doing IV drugs with dirty needles. Any cases in the last 10 years of someone catching HIV other than these 2 routes?

  2. Certainly far less would have been done. But even now, not as much is being done and yet it would be possible to spread the benefits of advancement in treatment to many parts of the world where poor people cannot afford the treatment.

  3. Good Day'

    I would hope and pray so.  Aid is human condition. I think that

    it started in groups of people whom are private, no medical care and social outcast..Thank god it was brought to the light..With the world behind finding a cure, I think we will see one in the 10 years..My prayers to everyone infected by this horrible

    thing we call Aids.

  4. No, not enough would have been done. Not enough is being done now.

  5. Probably not...

    But that's more of an AWARENESS thing.

  6. That is one helluva interesting question and although i don't know the answer i bloody hope something would have been done. Im sick of the constant divide that people make against other people just because of their race,colour or beliefs.

    I was born in the UK but am half polish and some woman i used to work with descriminated against me due to my surname and apparently 'my kind' shouldn't have been allowed to come over here?!  Crazy people.  (I know thats not strictly relevant to your question but yeaaah)

    I would like to think that the world would want to club together to fight aids if it stayed in the poor black community, but the world and its governing bodies are in a terrible state. I can't predict what they'll do from one day to the next x

  7. I would say so.  This image of AIDS being a disease of the poor black community is an false reality anyhow.  AIDS has been seen in virtually all demographics.

    That said, for those who feel not enough is being done now, what do you propose to do?  Should we stop doing cancer research and Alzheimer's research, and research on childhood diseases, or research on all other medicines besides AIDS medications?  That argument is silly especially when you look at the money spent on medical research and see that it is disproportionally spent on AIDS research over more widespread diseases.

    Also, the simple fact of the matter is that AIDS is basically a disease of bad judgment.  The blood supply is totally safe at this point in time, and other than the children born of HIV positive mothers, there is no other real way to catch it.  It is primarily spread in two ways: unprotected s*x with infected individuals, and through IV drug use.  We can't stop people from making stupid decisions to have unprotected s*x with unknown partners or share drug needles with other people.  All the public education, free condoms, and needle exchanges in the world aren't going to stop people from living dangerous lifestyles that is likely to expose them to HIV.

  8. any decease affecting the people and worst or not curable.. it will come to the light of doctors, scientists, social organisations and government/inter nation organisation to do some thing to our society for preventive measure and inventing medicine to control and cure...

    * now the present and best option available is.. making the society be alert and follow the instructions of doctors, self control ed and disciplined.

    * HIV positive people to be taken care without spreading the virus to more people and treating them well..

    *following family set up and best culture like.. one man one women norm..

    *taking care the poor women and children and help them for the minimum basic needs and getting income through working...

    *making them to live and lead the life by selling their body is worst in the world..

    *those who are having surplus money and wealth has to come forward to save such people and make the human society well

  9. You make it sound like they're the only people who can get aids - but that is not the case. Anyone can get aids, everyone needs to be careful. Not just certain groups.

  10. Interesting thought.  I don't think it was meant to spread the way it did.  Lack of foresight I suppose.

    Tuskegee Exp.

  11. very good question.

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