
If ALlah does exist, why didn't he show himself to many people, instead just to one/few man/men?

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Isn't it possible that Muhammed just made it up to gain power? If they are men of faith, why preach Islam through bloodshed? just a question.




  1. I have no idea if Allah exists, but if he does, my theories of what he ought to do, and yours, mean nothing.

    If Allah exists, or call him the God of Abraham if you wish, it seems to me that I might spend my time better paying attention to what I ought to do than to what Allah ought to do.

  2. He had reasons. Maybe God chose only a few people as those He can trust.

  3. In spiritually-based belief systems, there are "planes of existence" above ours that are populated by non-corporeal entities of various types - some human and some not.

    What I believe, is that these "planes", as they call them, are actually different frequency ranges and they are NOT "above" us, but co-exist all around us.

    Once in a while - more in really ancient times than within our span of recorded history - a denizen of the "plane" or "frequency range" next to ours would take an interest in interfering in our world and our lives.  When that happened, the interloping entity would find one or more humans whose own energy frequencies were close enough to theirs that they could manage at least sporadic communication with them.

    Considering the fact that energy fields and frequency ranges were unknown to the ancient humans, it is not surprising that these people were totally awed by these communications and endowed them with all sorts of religious significance.  

    Then, of course, the other humans, whose frequency ranges did NOT allow them to tune in on and receive such communications called those who could, "prophets", and granted them special status.

    Based on this hypothesis, Muhamed probably DID actually receive some sort of communication from a discarnate entity claiming to be a "GOD".  So, he probably WAS for real, albeit totally mistaken in his overall assessment of the situation.

    (Not just limited to Islam, though, this same explanation could be offered for the origins of almost ANY religiously oriented belief-system that promotes the worship of one or more specifically identifiable deities.)

    As to the violent aspects of it, well, ANY belief-system can be - and usually IS - perverted to suit the agenda of whatever special interest group is promoting it the strongest at the time.  

    Violent people use their religion - no matter WHAT it is - to justify the exercise of their violent tendencies.

    Look at the history of Christianity, for goodness sake!  Here are just a few of the atrocities that Christians have to their dubious historical credit:

    <>   The Spanish Inquisition

    <>   The Salem witch executions

    <>   The "Dark Ages" when knowledge and education were hidden away from the populace and severely limited ONLY to the church

    <>   Various Catholic vs Protestant conflicts throughout history

    <>   Persecutions - even amounting to mass murder - by the church against dissenters


    The list could go on and on.

    Religion - ALL religions - are vulnerable to being used as the justification for people to do what they would STILL do without justification if they didn't have religion.

  4. If indeed Allah (God) exists, then he doesn't need messengers or prophets to spread his word. He would be very capable of speaking to the entire human race at the same time.  Therefore, all these claims to being a messenger of God were fabricated on the actions of rulers of that time period.  Muhammed was simply a very astute politician that built an empire based on religion & his views of how the culture should be controlled. He, like many others, set himself up as a messenger of God's that was chosen to pass along his orders.

  5. Islam says that Allah revealed his message to one prophet in every society.  Muhammed is said to be the last one who got the most complete and refined/perfected message and was then the most successful at relaying it to his people.

  6. Hi is seen by the eyes of faith.

  7. Nobody can see Allah in this world, because that is the whole excercise. One has to believe in Him, without seeing Him. Once you see Him, you cannot refuse.  If we lead a pious life, we would see Him like we see  full moon, in the hereinafter.

    Muslims do not spread Islam by using force. We are defending ourselves. USA and her allies have dropped thousands of tons of  Napalm and high potency bombs, on

    poor and under-developed nations of Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia and Iraq. Who is the real agressor and who is using force; see for yourself.

    Indonesia is the largest Muslim country. No Islamic force went in there. Same with Malayasia. Muslims ruled India for 1000 years but Muslim population remained less than 5% in

    the areas which were seat of the government. But Islam spread due to selfless services of Soofi  saints, in far flung areas, that now comprise Bangla Desh and Paksitan.

    Javed Kaleem

  8. I don't know. Perhaps this question would be better addressed in the Religion forum.

  9. if Allah showed himself to everyone, there would be no test left in our lives as we all will become what we told to be. Allah made this world as a test for humans, and if Allah showed himself, there would be nothing left as test and there wont be any non believer left and all the logic n reason behind creating this universe n world will finish. Allah never breaks His rules, although He is almighty, all powerful but still He has set rules and He wont change them ever!

  10. He is modest.

  11. If all questions about Islam were answered as nicely as the previous answers, there would be much less problems in the world.  Islam has suffered many black eyes recently by Muslims trying to kill a woman who names a teddy bear Mohammed, or Danes making cartoons IMO.

  12. HE is not an exhibitionist.

  13. HE  is awwal HE is aakir

    HE is Zahir & Batin

    if he would have shown himself to every one nothing coi\uld remain alve on this earth. as the example of prophet Noosa shoes dat he was terrified and by seeing only a fire not burning any thing in the cold nights on mount 'TUR'.so he was a prophet and he was so feared then we are nothing in front of him.

    islam does not teach any bloodshed.

    as in early life of prophet the wars were held due to continous disturbance of un believers.but now the bloodshed is not doneby muslims.they r those people who just want to dust the name of muslim society and muskims.

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