
If Abortion is based upon the fact that the child is dependent on the mother to live, shouldn't a mother be.?

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allowed by law, to kill it's child until, let's say 16 years old?




  1. Sounds like a plan to me.  Put some teeth behind "I brought your a$s into this world, and I can take your a$s out of it."

    They mean dependent ON A BIOLOGICAL BASIS.

    Great, another pseudo-conservative more enamored with symbolism than substance.

  2. No because once it's born, she doesn't have to kill it to get rid of it, she can just give it up for adoption.

  3. This is possibly the greatest question I have ever seen on Yahoo Answers.

    "Abortion is based upon the fact that the child is dependent on the mother to live..." is a quote that is the correct definition of abortion, but only part.  

    Abortion is the killing of an unborn baby, either for scientific or medical reasons.  Yes, the baby is dependent on the mother.  But once out of the womb of the mother, a baby CAN, but may not, live beyond it's first years of life.

    Saying that children up to the age of 16 can be killed because of a statement about abortion is way out of line.  Children can live by themselves from birth, but because of the society today, we "baby" them for many years of their life.  Thus, they are now dependent upon the parents as their sole life source.

    At the moment, I cannot possibly think of a reason to make a law that says parents can kill their children.

    If I have any mistakes in this answer, please alert me.

  4. yes of course, but you know these people, they think they can tell women what to do with their bodies, like it's THEIR babies.

  5. That's the point and problem with the pro abortion argument. Furthermore, biologically and genetically, a baby is not the mother's body.

    There are instances when a baby is born full term and has down syndrome or other problems and legally, via infanticide, the baby is allowed to die via lack of care.

    Abortion is a disgusting evil practice and has so many holes that it really is inexcusable when you get past emotion and get down to facts.

  6. I feel no one has the right to say what someone should do to their bodies...  that includes a mother should not be able to choose to kill their child.  All these women say "other people can not tell me what to do with my body"  Why doesn't the baby have a choice in what to do with themselves. A baby is a life and if you get an abortion it is murder.  If you do not want to have a baby than stop getting pregnant.  Please get your tubes tied.  There are a few cases (rape,incest, severe health)where I would partially understand.  However more than 75% of abortions are due to someone using it as a birth control method.  

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