
If Abraham Lincoln and William Taft got in a fistfight who would win?

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  1. taft because he is bigger and if he hits abe, KO!

  2. Lincoln was the first man to dunk a basketball, he was really tall and a good wrestler I have to go with Lincoln,  Honest

  3. The ABE-O-LITIONIST all the way.  Tough as nails, and was a wrassler.  Taft, didn't he have mutton chops and a donut fetish?

  4. Taft was pretty hefty, but Lincoln was a beast, I would say honest  Abe by ko, Although he couldn't take a shot to the head, (GET IT!)

  5. Lincoln, lanky, long reach, woodsman, hed tear Taft to shreds. Unless Taft had Booth interfear.

  6. i gota go wit taft. lincolns too honest, wouldnt get dirty maybe. taft i gess. wat kinda q is this neway? lol. well...if they both werent dead...

  7. Lincoln he has that long reach and Taft was pretty hefty so i don't imagine his endurance would be very good. In addition Taft's family was wealthier than Lincoln family, Taft's father was in politics and the Lincoln family lived in a one room log cabin. Lincoln faced other hardships growing up his mother died when he was 9 based on Lincoln's upbringing he was strong physically and mentally. And Lincoln had to manage the nation through one of the major conflicts of our nations history, The Civil War. Where he could of easily settled with the confederacy but he didn't compromise his beliefs.

  8. Lincoln.  He had a much longer reach and, by historical accounts, a good amount of energy.  Taft was very heavy and he would have tired easily; he would only win if he tripped and fell on Lincoln.

  9. taft

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