
If Adam & Eve were the first people on earth what does that make the cavemen?

by Guest63636  |  earlier

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There is prof of cavemen but not of Adam & Eve




  1. That dumb question does not even deserve a dumb answer.

  2. When people use the word "caveman" they imply someone who is crude, stupid, primitive, and ignorant. If smart people had to start civilization from scratch they would have to life like cavemen for a few generations. If a plane full of scholars, programmers, and scientists crashed near a remote island they would have to live a primitive life for a while.

    Your argument against Adam and Eve is flawed. It is called "arguing from silence." Just because no-one has found the grave of Adam and Eve does not prove they never existed.

  3. that makes cavemen fake, the way we were raised to believe what cavemen were atleast, we see these "ooga booga" no brain characters on tv and theres not a shred of evidence for such an idea. sure some people had to call a cave home. I have an pretty high IQ but dont know the first thing about building a house. ever seen a homeless person? he doesn't act like a monkey. you are proof for Adam an Eve, you ever thought about it? here we are, we had to start by someone.

  4. The people from the land of Nod, o'course.

  5. Adam and Eve weren't the first peoples on Earth.  There were other earth ages, it's just that the Earth became void and lifeless do to the actions of the previous peoples and so God had to start over.  Adam and Eve were just the start to the bloodline of Jesus.  There were other people besides them.

  6. Who cares about the cavemen?  I want to know who Cain and Abel had s*x with to produce offspring.  Either Genesis only makes sense if you come up with a bunch of extrinsic, post-hoc rationale, or dey wuz bumpin' uglies wit Mama.

  7. It makes the Cave Man real, very much unlike..."Adam and Eve" !

  8. Adam and Eve were considered "cave people"

  9. it means Adam and eve were even more dum than cave man

  10. I think that Adam and Eve are the first people on a certain area of earth or at a cetain time frame but not the very first people made cuz like u said their was cavemen. I think the time of the cavemen was God's lil experiment like the Dinosaurs and he seen that it wasn't going to work out so he destroyed it and started over again so the bible basically picks up where God started over again. It's just a theory but the bible does have a lot of loop holes and things we cant explain but I've learned to just trust in God and everything will be explained when I die.

  11. d**n inconvenient for creationists, that's what.

  12. I'm Catholic and i'm pretty sure that you can choose to belive in adam and eve, or you can choose not to believe in them.

    Maybe adam and eve were the first, or some of the fist cavemen. Maybe they didnt exist at all.

    Or maybe they were exactly what the bible says they were.

    You be the judge.

  13. As a young child, this part always was there in the back of my mind during Sunday school. I recently stopped beliveing in Christianity (this does not mean I am not religious, so don't you religious zealots go and give me a million thumbs down), and lots of things just started opening up to me. Things, and life in general makes sense to me, and I feel at piece. It also helps now that I am studying anthropology to not have a restraining religion tying me down from understanding certain concepts.

  14. how can you be sure that one isn't Adam or Eve?fossils don't have name tags attached.

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