
If Adam and Eve didn't have Belly Buttons are they the only Humans never to suffer from belly button Lint?

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If Adam and Eve didn't have Belly Buttons are they the only Humans never to suffer from belly button Lint?




  1. No, they wouldn't have had belly buttons, because that is the scar of the umbilicus, which means the owner of it was born. They were not born of a woman - they were directly created.

  2. no belly button, no clothes = no belly button lint... ahhhh, heaven. Silly I know, but it's late

  3. Yes, but they did get that sticky residue left over from the fig leaves. Easy come, easy go.

  4. Who knows...mabe  

  5. well i guess that would make sense.  

  6. Where would the lint have come from, anyhow ?

  7. There's not much lint in fig leaves, anyhow.

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