
If African leaders are not willing to take a stand against Mugabe then shouldn't aid be cut. As we have?

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seen with the fat ar sed politicians in Northern Ireland, when the British government threatened to stop paying them for doing nothing, they actually did something. Surely a similar policy for all the African leaders whose lavish life styles are supported by western aid is needed to quash the indifference shown to Mugabe and his destruction of the once "bread basket" of Africa ..Zimbabwe?




  1. Absolutely yes. We should be aiding our own here. Too many areas are run down with serious social problems. We need the money right here. Let Africa burn.

  2. when aid was given to poor countries it was never monitored that is why corruption took place mainly because the people handling money from the doner side were getting a cut now if you stop this aid many many people will suffer then you have catastrophe on our hands i am sure there are a many number of ways of dealing with this no1 would be to stop trying to bring down already wealthy countries and focus on the poor ones with bad leaders.

  3. that's a really hard question i don't think you can stop the African countries aid that is putting millions and millions of people at risk and causing them suffering, but on the other hand there are millions of people suffering in Zimbabwe and something needs to be done. This is really hard and i kind of agree with you but i don't think they should follow through with a threat like that if they desided to use it and i think the african governemnts would know they wouldn't overall it would just be causing more people to suffer.

  4. Your going to punish the innocent citizens for something the corupt done though

  5. This is an easy one!   The sun is getting bigger.  this is a

    long known fact.   The human population needs to be

    cut in half in order for the elite to feel elite.   Their styles

    are currently being cramped.   The slogan used to foist

    this agenda is known as "Global Warming"

    Heck!   Even Mars is warming-up!

  6. Yes.  Charity begins at home.  If I had the power I would stop ALL overseas aid.

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