
If Al Gore's such an environmentalist, why's he gotta' fly around on a private jet?

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  1. good point...

  2. Now how hard is that to answer? Really?  Just like anyother publicity seeking, gloryhound, politician. Do as I say, not as I do.

  3. Because he has bacon for brains. I mean, he could try a train.

  4. planes are probably the most inefficient mode of travel that we know of, however, it is fast and convenient to use them.  Seeing that it is Al Gore, I'm guessing he does it 1) because he can and 2) for security reasons.  If planes were the only source of carbon producing machinery we had, we'd be in a lot better shape than we are now.  Let me ask you this...are all the lights in your house you have solar panels on your you buy the other electricity you use from clean renewable sources???  I'm not saying that I praise Al Gore and that he's the greatest person on this earth, but he does those things so the carbon that he does produce is minimal.  It's always a constant argument that "environmentalists" want people to completely change the way they live...Al Gore doesn't want people to completely change the way they live...he wants people to become more efficient and do what they can to reduce the CO2 they produce, but the major battles are going to be fought with the government and energy companies so we can push clean energy so our lives can remain as normal as possible.

  5. His point was to have us trim unnecessary waste...

    ...not completely disrupt our lives.

  6. because he burns tires!

  7. Global Warming is a trojan horse for Socialism, wake up Americans. Global warming is at the fore front because politicians found how to use a new platform to get re-elected. The world leaders use it because they found ways to make money at it. This is a made up problem just like Global Cooling in the 1970's. Wake up people. I agree we need to be more efficient with our resources, and we should fine and jail companies who are dumping into our rivers maliciously. I want to stop the raiforest destruction, but to say that global warming is a serious man made issue and we need to destroy the American economy and bow down to the rest of the world certainly does not float my boat. Follow the money on this one and you will see that it is all for political gain and grant money for those scientists who profit off of the government if global warming stays at the front of the issues. Look deep into the Keoto (sp?) Treaty, first of all they took jets to a non-central resort location. Not very environmentally concious. THen in the parameters of the treaty they have a clause that makes it so you can buy or sell polution credits. This is all about shifting wealth and breaking down the United States. This is painfully obvious, just look at peoples agenda. The earth's mean temperature has risen .6 degrees C in the past 125 years. Greenland's icecaps have gotten colder in the past 10 years. The Scientists who do not gain anything on their posisition will tell you that the earth has a natural progression and this is what we are seeing. The UN report is made up of POLITICIANS not a good spread of scientists. THere are as many or more scientists who believe that man in NOT the reason and it is over hyped, but their voice is not heard in the LIberal Mainstream Media. This issue is 99% political, and an attempt to make the USA a socialist nation, and eventually communisim. WAKE UP AMERICA, IT IS TIME TO BE AMERICANS. FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE. STOP THE LIES

  8. His whole global warming bit is part of his presidential election campaign and like any political statement.. it's full of half truths and outright lies.

    He flies.. because that's what people campaigning for nationwide office do.. they fly around and hit people up for votes and money.

  9. Because he invented the internet, remember? Important people like him have to fly around in private jets to make their speeches to us po foke about how weze need to cut back on lectricity and tree cutti'n.

  10. I dunno, i guess u can get there faster.

  11. Because he is a hypocritical environmentalist. Or more exactly, he is a political opportunist who saw a hot issue that could get him a lot of attention and he is pushing all the right buttons to make the green voters vote they way he wants them to.

  12. He's an environmentalist, but he's still rich. He probably likes to live luxuriously. He's trying to keep a balance. Planes are the safest form of transportation.

  13. He's a phony - that's not the reason, it's the answer

  14. He talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk.

  15. I don't really believe in Gore...but it's probably for security.

  16. With his girth it's probably a jumbo jet!

  17. haha you people who ask dumb question like this need to get a life what else is he suppose to do take some airplane that runs on solar power from the sun, oh wait that hasnt been invented yet dumbas* how else is he going to get around i mean if he could pull a solar powered plane from his as* im sure he would than

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