
If Al Gore got in the white house, would you move out of the country?

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Lenghart, Al Gore is a fat cat who wants your money and relies on the media to scare you into "Global Warming" to do just that with dumb arguments that only aren't disputed because the side that is against global warming dosen't get funded.

I'll be laughing in a few years when new york was predected to be flooded 10 feet.




  1. No. I'd convert all of the assets to cash and drop out the economy. I may still do that if Obama is elected.

  2. I hate Al Gore but it would take a lot more to get me out of this country than him running it.

    I don't think global warming is human caused, so i basically think he is pretty dumb, no offense intended

  3. Laugh on dear heart.......It's coming!!! I assume you are one of the idiots that does not believe in Global Warming. Wake Up!!  I would only move out if obama gets elected!!!!

  4. Congratulations, you have just won the award for the most stupid question ever asked. Why would anyone want to leave this country just because a certain person was elected? If you didn't do it when old GWB was elected, then why do it with anyone else?

  5. Why? He's great!

  6. No. Albert Gore is responsible for extensive research in global warming and the solutions to solve the problems caused by global warming.

    As far as is role as the Vic President he avoided the policies and problems of President Clinton. He maybe the next Vice President.

  7. No.  I dont like him, but I am an American one way or the other.  You cant change the system by running from it.  Its unlikely he will ever be President at this point anyway- if he couldnt beat W riding on Clinton's coattails, its unlikely he could ever beat anyone else.

  8. I didn't leave the country when George W. Bush was 'selected' to be our President; why would I leave when a responsible, intelligent, decent human being like Al Gore gets into the White House?

    As for your contention that global warming is a lie, I can only assume that you've done extensive research to come to that conclusion, which - by the way - is in direct opposition to most of the world's scientific community.

    Apparently you're smarter than Nobel prize winners, acclaimed scientists, meteorologists, and a world full of other experts who have studied this phenomena for years.

    Global warming is a natural cyclical event that continues for tens of thousands of years. However, man's 'industrial revolution' has escalated the cycle, which has made it difficult for many species of plants and animals to adapt to the changing climate patterns.

    Arrogance, ignorance, avarice, sloth and hubris has set in to make we mere humans believe we're 'superior' to all the other species on the planet, and that gives us the right to decimate them, abuse them or neglect them all for the sake of our own profit, comfort or convenience.

    Whether you're Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, agnostic or atheist, you still must have a modicum of intelligence - at least enough to recognize that all plants and animals on the Earth were placed here for a purpose.

    We can't go on destroying the migration patterns of caribou, forcing the extinction of polar bears, overlooking remote Eskimo tribes, over fishing our oceans, polluting our air, poisoning our water, destroying rain forests, asphalting over wetlands, creating oil spills in our waterways, plowing under beautiful meadows, filling up landfills with our waste, ruining our mangrove forests, killing our coral reef, and blowing up mountains just to get at more coal.

    Even the lowly, ugly horse shoe crab has its place on this planet.* If we continue to rape and pillage the land, plunder Earth's natural resources, and squander all of the bounty of our planet, we will pay dearly for such squalor - sooner rather than later. I pity our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They will pay an enormous price for our

    abuse, greed, materialism and stupidity. -RKO- 06/19/08

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