
If Al Gore hadn't made a movie on climate change, would anybody care how much energy he uses?

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I looked it up once, and Gore is trying to heat and cool a 10,000 square foot mansion, which he is refitting to be more energy -efficient. But look some time at Forbes magazine's portrait of the world's richest 400 people, and you'll see that some of them are heating homes of 20,000 square feet, 40,000 square feet, even 80,00 sf or more.

I don't hear many people attacking their lifestyles. So is it Gore's energy use that critics object to -- or only his message on climate change?




  1. Of course not.

    "Even his movie, which got all sorts of awards, is considered to be almost complete fabrication and exaggeration."

    By global warming deniers.  Not by the Nobel Prize Committee.  Not by scientists:

    "Scientists OK Gore's movie for accuracy"

    Not by the courts:

    "It is clear that the Defendant understandably formed the view that AIT was an outstanding film, and that schools should be enabled to show it to pupils."

    "        (1) global average temperatures have been rising significantly over the past half century and are likely to continue to rise ("climate change");

            (2) climate change is mainly attributable to man-made emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide ("greenhouse gases");

            (3) climate change will, if unchecked, have significant adverse effects on the world and its populations; and

            (4) there are measures which individuals and governments can take which will help to reduce climate change or mitigate its effects."

    These propositions, Mr Chamberlain submits (and I accept), are supported by a vast quantity of research published in peer-reviewed journals worldwide and by the great majority of the world's climate scientists."

  2. Dudes stop pointing Fingers to One another .

    Global warming is now a problem we need to Fix It.

    More the energy you consume More Plants you need to grow :)

    Remember if we point our finger to someone

    other 3 fingers point to our selves .

    Stop Pointing fingers Start acting .

    I would suggest Simple but effective solution to Plant 1 tree every week . Those tree that you have cut down to construct your House will be restored by the trees that you are planting every week .

  3. lucky his movie wasnt about aids

  4. I think the reason is pretty obvious - Al Gore does not practice what he preaches.  He travels by private Jet,  SUV's, and Limos.  If he was not the face of a political movement, nobody would care what his energy usage is.

    And btw, his movie was full of lies and exaggerations:

    1) He claims to have seen aerosol particles in an ice core in Antarctica with his naked eye?  That is an outright lie.  The ice cores he is referring to are from Greenland, and you can't see the particles without a microscope

    2) Mount Kilimanjaro's melting glacier has nothing at all to do with global warming.

    3) Polar bears are doing just fine

    4) Tuvalu - Sea levels are not rising, and are not causing them to flee

    I can go on, but I think this is enough evidence to prove he is a liar, particularly number 1.

  5. Not really.  I don't think anyone would care that he lives such a lavish lifestyle if he had made that money legitimately.

    People don't like to be told to do things by someone who doesn't practice what he preaches.  At one of his money making events he left his team of limos idling for half an hour at the curb keeping the A/C on so he'd have a nice cool car to come back to.  That's common for Hollywood types, but when you tell others not to do that, it's not a good idea for you to break those rules.

    Al Gore uses 30 times more energy than the average person and yet he preaches that we are destroying the earth by using so much energy and wants the average person to downgrade their lifestyles while he lives like a king off the money he makes with the AGW hoax.

    If he really believed what he preaches to his many believers, he wouldn't violate his own doctrines so much.

    He's like a preacher telling his congregation not to commit adultery and then sneaks away to meet his mistress in the hotel room.

    Even his movie, which got all sorts of awards, is considered to be almost complete fabrication and exaggeration.

    People don't like hypocrites and charlatans like Al Gore, when they are con artists making millions off the global warming scam.

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