
If Al Gore was hooked up to a polygraph and was asked about global warming what would the results be?

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If Al Gore was hooked up to a polygraph and was asked about global warming what would the results be?




  1. He'd say the exact same things he says in public.  Only an irrational person would assume he doesn't believe AGW is real.

    Then again, that might explain your series of nonsensical daily questions and multiple personalities on here.

  2. "Give me two of 'em beef burgers with real hot buns if you know what I mean"

  3. I don't know.  I'm concerned with Global Warming.  I don't have your priapism about Al Gore.

  4. after the ink in the needle dried up, the machine would electrocute him after furiously beeping and sizzling then fall to the floor breaking itself.

  5. it would be correct,along with 99.9% of scientists and climatologists! i hope your serious, if you don't give a d**n about yourself,think about future generations!!

  6. idk....but the earth is warming no doubt and it wont stop

  7. he would admit he lied, probably.

  8. Alright: I just have 1 question.

    Why is Greenland called Greenland? I thought it was a big block of ice. Oh yeah. At one point, there wasn't ice on Greenland, because IT WAS FERTILE, GREEN LAND.

    For years and years, the one reliable truth about Earth's climate was that it CHANGES. So what if the Earth is getting warmer, so what if the sea level rises a little (23 inches according to the IPCC report that everbody cites, which isn't even enough to flood Holland). We can't do anything to stop the Earth's warming, and all the flourescent light bulbs (which become toxic waster that cannot be recycled) or hybrid cars (which are far more dangerous than regular automobiles) aren't going to make any difference.


  9. Power outage for at least 100 sq. miles.

  10. Seismographs in the neighboring city would pick up the movement of the needle.

  11. That he is telling the truth. We are overpopulating and sucking the life out of our home. We are supposed to be smarter than that. It won't matter how many children we save from whatever ails them, if they don't have an Earth to live on, it won't matter. Hateful comments about people who are trying to help don't do anything but put a period at the end of our children's death sentence.

  12. I don't think he would submit to one, remember the no legal controlling authority argument? If he did I think his polygraph paper would look a lot more erratic than his stupid hockeystick graph.

  13. I have no doubt that he'd pass. A polygraph doesn't really tell you if the subject is telling the truth or not, it only tells you if the subject BELIEVES what they are saying is the truth. I am sure that Gore really does believe his own BS, but that's what it is.

  14. Al Gore will win when he tells all narrow minded people like you to get educated.

  15. A waste of electricity. He is a very good liar.

  16. He'd pass easy...

    Everyone seems to hate him, but i actually quite like him.

    Im sorta a big tree hugger =]

  17. it would blow up or break , then he would sweat his as* off and then someone should say oops don't get to hot you are contributing to your theory

  18. lol i guess it would depend on the question. if he was asked is the only reason he goes on tv and talks about gloabla warming because he is scared shitless like alot of us then i guess he'd say no resulting in his teeth breking off. i haer lying through them does alot of damge to them ^_^

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