
If Al Gore were president instead of Bush, how would the the country (and the world) be right now?

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If Al Gore were president instead of Bush, how would the the country (and the world) be right now?




  1. th war wld probably be worse, but global warming and all tht environment stuff would be under control

  2. well NYC would be leveled, and air travel would be suspended. we would be so far in debt that oil would be out of the question. Saddam would be killing millions of innocent people. and George bush would be playing Mario cart with his bro at the ranch.

  3. better

  4. h**l just like obama

  5. 911 would not have been the last terrorist attack on US soil

  6. LOL   where do we start??? Maybe we will start with higher taxes???? for those of us who are consider middle class but are really poor low class( you know the hard working American citizens)  and oh yeah let's not forget that we would have to wait while being attacked on our on soil so that he could come up with some solution for world peace......and ohhh we would all have healthcare (poor hardworking American Citizens paying higher taxes for that too).  We all need to wake up!!!!! Before an Al Gore----Obama gets in office.....u think economy bad now???? Job cuts and high taxes will sink us!

  7. umm idk but anyone is better than bush

  8. We would be much worse off.  For one any city along a coast or river would have to be moved and we would have been attacked ceaselessly like under Clinton but on our own soil.

  9. All most the same All most the same All most the same All most the same All most the same All most the same All most the same All most the same All most the same All most the same All most the same All most the same All most the same

    US politics is in a continuos process , no matter who will be the president. They continues their previous counterparts in some or another way. Change of presidentship in US is no revolution, its a heart beat of common people of this country. May be system..............

  10. Lemme make a list:

    1. Taxes would be sky-high. Gore was all about environmentalist programs and cutting the dependence on foreign oil. These programs cost money, and with Gore being the spender that he is, would have to pull it from each and every one of you.

    2. There would still be war. Congress motioned to do it right after 9/11. Gore would object but eventually give in.

    3. Better dollar value. Bush's fiscal policy wasn't too hot this year.

    4. Gas prices would be the same. Less Demand = Higher prices.

  11. the country would be a whole lot better off with Al Gore rather than having lying a** Bush in there.

  12. I believe Al Gore would have made an ok president....

    I believe Bush has been terrible.

    But the reason I'm not too hot on Al Gore is because he gave up on the recounts KNOWING that Bush did not win, and that he was awful.... what kind of President does that?

  13. terrorized on the streets of US soil

  14. - No war in Irag, still a war in Afghanistan, but with more global   support

    - No missile system in Europe to p**s off the Russians

    - Gas cheaper by atleast $1.50

    - Energy credits for more energy efficient home upgrades

    - More nuclear and less coal based energy

    - Less deficient budget

    - and of course g*y marriage all over

  15. We never would've went into Iraq. Fewer people would've died after Katrina.

  16. at least dignity would've been preserved. not to mention economy, war casualties, foreign relations, world opinion, integrity. amongst other things

  17. Al gore wouldnt invaded Iraq. The economy would have been better under his administration.

  18. Much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much better.

    For starters, America NEVER would have invaded a sovereign nation. Which means we wouldn't be trillions and trillions of dollars in the hole, and over a million Iraqis would still have their lives and their families wouldn't be sworn enemies of America forever.

    And we would not have waged war in Afghanistan, either, destroying the Taliban (who kept the poppy/opium trade down) so that Afghanistan is today supplying 90freaking percent of the WORLD'S HEROIN. We would have utilized our superb Black Ops program and assassinated Bin Laden without creating WAR.

    And there would be no deficit whatsoever - the dollar would be fat and sassy and healthy since Gore wouldn't have sucked the as$es of all the uber rich by giving them tax breaks.

    The entire population of the entire world wouldn't despise us.

    We would still be respected as a world leader in human rights instead of hanging our head in shame over a President declaring that we can torture people who have never been charged with a crime.

    Our beloved Constitution would still be intact.

    We wouldn't be pissing trillions of dollars away on the most incompetent governmental black hole of red tape and bureaucracy EVER devised - Homeland Security. Um... does it bother any other American that HITLER constantly referred to the "Homeland?"   Gives me the CREEPS.

    We wouldn't be spending half our income on GAS and HEATING OIL since Gore would have had America at the head of the class when it comes to worldwide Alternative Energy initiatives.

    Political dissidents would not be targeted by the government - they would simply be viewed as what they are... citizens exercising their Constitutionally-guaranteed right of free speech. NOT "domestic terrorists" which is how the bush regime is trying to paint people who disagree with him.

  19. We would not be in Iraq, we would have already caught Osama bin Laden, gas prices would be under $2.00 a gallon.

  20. Who knows. All we can do now is hope that someone with a good level head on their shoulders gets into office now and undoes what Bush did.

  21. Gas = $11.00 a gallon

    taxes = 5 times higher

    USA under sharia law

  22. we'd be screwed

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