
If Alaska declared Independence from the USA would America allow this with no interference in any way.?

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If Alaska declared Independence from the USA would America allow this with no interference in any way.?




  1. I can't imagine the US giving up alaska's oil reserves without a fight.

  2. Get real.

    Alaska has too much oil for America to let it get away.

  3. No

  4. No, they wouldn't.

    However; if you're trying to tie this to South Ossetia or Abkhazia, I'd suggest you really need to have another look at the situation.

  5. Alaska has oil, say no more!

  6. If Alaska didn't have any oil, yeah.

  7. No way will the US let it, even if a referendum showed the people wanted independence. They will come down on any separatist really hard. You won't even be allow to mention it. I knew a Hawaiian guide who made some remark about Hawaiian independence and freedom when she was taking some tourists round to see some villages. The US tourists in the group later reported her and she was sacked on the spot. Later, her daughter was asked to leave her school even though she was a star pupil. Free speech and democracy? Only if you say the right things.

  8. No - it's happened before with other states, and they weren't allowed either.

  9. no

  10. No.  Secession from the Union is not "legal" in any form.  It would take a successful revolutionary war to make it happen, and, considering the comparitive military strenghth of the entire United States armed forces, versus whatever military Alaska may be able to put, up, this scenario is VERY unlikely.

    Any kind of political movement in this direction would also be, plainly impossible.

    For an even better example, do some searching for the current Hawaiian independance movement.  Many native Hawaiians still resent the fact that foreign powers have been determining the island's direction for centuries.  Remember, up until a little more than a hunderd years ago, they had their own royal family, that was forced to abdicate, under the threat of American guns.

  11. Nope.

  12. No way, they'd be straight in there with guns blazing. Alaska is oil rich they're not going to let them leave the United States.

  13. Short answer: No

    Long answer: Why would they? Alaska gets billions of dollars in special projects from Congress.

    Also, it's not technically legal. Texas vs. White (1869) decided that a state cannot leave the Union without the consent of other states. Since I doubt the rest of the US would agree, the answer is no.

    However, if I recall correctly, the decision is vague on what "consent" means-- so I don't know if it would be a vote and what percent of the vote Alaska would need to get.

  14. Although the State of Alaska and the Republic of Texas could survive as separate countries, that would not be allowed

  15. America would never allow it as there are too many resources, such as oil. Interestingly, Alaska was actually bought from Russia 140 years ago.

  16. I can't answer this because I'm not American but it's a very interesting question and I look forward to reading the opinions of the Americans.

  17. Uhmm...H to the NO!

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