
If Alaska produces it own oil, then why are the gas prices so high there?

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The Alaska Pipeline is a major U.S. oil pipeline connecting oil fields in northern Alaska to a sea port where the oil can be shipped to the Lower 48 states for refining.




  1. Because the US sells it to CHINA!!!

  2. Because oil is bought and sold on the global market based on supply vs demand. The market determines the price. Oil is in high demand world wide.

    Alaska doesn't produce near enough oil to satisfy the oil demand for this country. This country doesn't produce enough oil to satisfy the demand for this country. We have to import 65% of the oil we use.

  3. There probably is not a refinery there. Also oil is not the type of commodity that you location would matter much.

    It has set price, and except for any transportation, distribution, texes, etc, the base cost would be the same everywhere.


  4. The government has closed the drilling for oil in Alaska.  (If memory serves me correctly.)  If you believe what our President has stated here recently is that we don't have enough oil refineries here in the U.S. to refine the oil fast enough for our consumption.

  5. We don't even use any oil from Alaska yet

  6. We have been drilling and pumping oil up here in Alaska since 1977. The wildlife does not have any problems with the pipeline. We don't have enough oil to satisfy the wants and needs of the USA. Gas up here today was $3.85/gal.

  7. The US doesn't want to dig into our own ground quiet yet.  That and to the fact we've got big tree huggers here.  And the middle east has oil and that's were we've always gotton it.  Because of this war, they cut off our oil supply, and we have to pay them what they want for it.  We're just now paying (just say 4 bucks a gallon) what the rest of the world has been paying for decades.  Europe has been paying 4-6 bucks a Liter forever now.  We're just catching up.

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