
If Alaskans are so proud of Palin, how come they are questioning her credentials?

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This article appeared in a local paper. Sounds like people who know Palin the most don't feel she is ready to be any where near the White House. Being a member of the PTA and a moose eater does not give you the credentials to being a VP.




  1. 90% approval rating, but a kill-joy in every crowd.

  2. Governor Palin  will be vetted by every news organization in the world, plus nearly every political talking head to boot. It's how politics work. Saying she's a PTA member is like saying Osama is a community organizer. Actually, Governor Palin has more administrative, leadership, experience than wassisname. Do your misstatements make YOU a liar??

  3. It's exactly because she has an 80% approval rating.  They dont' want her to leave Alaska.  But they're going to have to deal with it because she will be the next vice president of the US.  In 1988 Bill clinton almost ran for president but decided not to because Arkansas would have been angry.  

  4. actually, she is more than know obuma fits that...he is the mayor of nothingsville.. the only part of leader. is the  person at the end of a lead rope...after all he is only a jackass

  5. What credentials? Mayor of a town of 8000 people? Governor of a state of 600,000 people? And for less than two years! BIG mistake.

  6. Doesn't take much to terrify the obamabots. Don't wet yourself trying to dig up dirt. Gov Pallin has an 82% approval rating. The 18% who don't approve are the ones she keeps busting for corruption.  

  7. they are proud because she makes a good governor for Alaska but they know better than anyone that she doesn't have even close to the experience she needs to be VP. she's only been gov. for 4 years and before that was a mayor. they know that the job of VP is something she's not ready for.

  8. I noticed it was of one mans opinion heres what the consensus says

  9. I was wondering the same thing. Wow!  Cause they are scared.  If that call come at 3:00 in the morning, would she hear it, or would she answer the baby's cry instead.  Which one would she think is more important? Can the mother of a Newborn baby, give America the attention we need at a time like this?


  10. I know how silly it would be like asking Wright to work for country folks.

  11. So, your comparing 80% of the state to one person who didn't even give his editorial a by line?

    I can write all kinds of c**p about Obama.  Will that change your mind?

    Being a member of the PTA has pretty much the same prestige as being a community organizer.  The PTA, of course, is voluntary, so you have to hold another job on top of it.

  12. She has an 80% approval rating as governor. The highest rating of any governor in the nation.  

  13. As a former Alaskan myself, I'm insulted that McCain chose someone with zero experience on a number of fronts.

    Why is he desperate to leave the security of this country in the hands of an inexperienced novice?

    I can just see Al-Qaeda nailing us to the wall with attacks left and right--after McCain kicks the bucket prematurely--and Palin is left wondering for 7 days as to what a terrorist is and how to best deal with it.

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