
If Ali was a shorter heavyweight, would he have still been champion?

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If Ali was a shorter heavyweight, would he have still been champion?




  1. Probably.  Marciano was shorter and he beat everybody.  Why would Ali not have been able to do the same?

    The fact is that he was one heck of a boxer.   Boxers that good are few and far between, in any weight class.  And as long as they stay in their weight class they are going to be champions.

  2. who knows it depends on his skills

  3. no cause he suffered to many concussions

  4. Yes, His skills is what made him champ, not is hieght.

  5. "if" is a HUGE word!

    If he was 4'3" I doubt he would still be champ but an inch or two either way wouldn't matter.

  6. Of course.

    The only difference is that he'd have sang, "fly like a butterfly, sting like a short bee"

  7. Y E S     W I T H    T H E  S A M E   M A N A G M E N  T =

    M O S T    O F  A L I ' S     F I G H T ' S     W E R E

    A L T E R E D    O R  F I X E D ====V I A   D O N  K I N G  !

  8. yeah probably, his height helped him in his early years but later on he depended solely on skill and stamina.

  9. GOOOD question.

    No. Well let me qualify that. If you are asking if he fought with the same style that he did, would he be champion, and actually the answer IS no. Quite a bit of his style was based on his height.

    Alot of his style was based on speed, but his height difference allowed him a margin for error. Had he been 5'10 and leaned straight back when he was punched at, he would have been beheaded.

    But Ali would have likely adapted to his height. Thats the kind of person he is.

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