
If Alien invade the world, how would the nations of the world response?

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are we gonna work together despite difference?




  1. It would show how ill prepared this planet is.  To paraphrase Heartbreak Ridge's Gunny Highway " A Cluster F+ck"

  2. If you look at the responses here, everyone wants to kill them, just as governments do.

    Just suppose a peaceful alien sapceship landed, bringing gifts, peace and  the solution to all the problems of this planet.  The first thing our leaders would do is launch missile strikes against them to try to kill them. If you don't understand it, kill it.

    No wonder the aliens have not landed. They have seen how humans work.

  3. by kills the s**+...t out of it thats how

  4. Hello,,  the U.N would start by denying it ever happened,and raising taxes to pad their defense fund,,oh I mean hire them to kill everybody ,,

  5. Same as the people of Iraq, resist!

  6. They would all look to the U.S. to do everything, and then criticize us for doing it.

  7. They probably organize a mass genocide because everyone knows humans can't work together.

  8. We wouldn't need to work together, we would just need Chuck Norris.

  9. In reality aliens are already living among us,and even married to men and women natives to our earth.It was Top Secret and before Aliens lived in secluded places given by our government They are helping us with in technology, and things that you see on the market is really their technology

  10. When you get out, and see the tons of people in cities and streets among them are actually aliens. Aliens are on Earth to experiment what we do in here, they want to learn from us the same way we go to space to learn from the space.


  11. Probably collectively **** themselves.

    Then try to mount a retaliation.  But chances are, if they're advanced enough to cover lightyears of space in a reasonable time, then go ahead and bust out the curbstomp song for the doomed human race.

    More importantly, it matters on what they want to do with our planet.  If they just want to destroy us, then they can just bombard the planet from orbit/deep space to dust.  If they want to colonize it, then they might try subversive methods like chemical warfare to kill us off.  BUT, I guess you mean in terms of a conventional invasion.

    If we DO stand a fighting chance, (they came here through wormholes or sleeper/generation ships or something) then success would probably rest on the various powers collaborating together to defeat the invaders.  Each country going at it alone would probably be a disaster for us.  It really depends on the circumstances.  Do we have reasonable time to prepare?  Do they wipe out our military capabilities and control from orbit or mount a more conventional attack?

    Look for the Worldwar book series by Harry Turtledove.  Its about an alien invasion during WW2 earth by a species with capabilities roughly similar to our present day technology (Jet fighters, modern machine guns, guided missiles, nukes, etc).  Good stuff.

    Regarding us working together, NATO (assuming it's still in place at this point) already has an infrastructure in place that could unite those countries (the US and Europe, mostly).  And as for the other countries?  I'm willing to bet that they would work together if the threat was obvious enough.  I would imagine that Russia, China, and India would be major players in this sort of conflict if they manage to survive long enough to collaborate together; remember, it all depends on the capabilities of the aliens.

    But don't count on any help from the middle east.  That area is already a clusterfuck; god knows what the religious nuts would do in such a scenario.  Internal conflict would definitely erupt from the chaos.

  12. Well they would probably be taken to a lab and studied.

  13. defensive. ............

  14. Kill the aliens

  15. I think an aliens invasion would be similar to when the  United States landed a man on the moon. They would basically come together as one and destroy the enemy or be destroyed by the enemy.

  16. We'd all s h i t our pants twice.

  17. we would try to fight'em. but i dont think that would do much good... i mean they fly vehicles around that can basically defy gravity. i would hate to see their weapons.

    but then again they are probably just waiting until we kill ourselves off until they come down and harvest whatever it is they want off of the planet. i mean because we are the biggest threat to our own existence and all.

  18. i hear canada is on top of the list.

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