
If America's so broken and bad why have Michelle and Barack Obama and Joe Biden risen to the pinnacle? ?

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How can they pound the podium in pride for American opportunities for success they and their families have then in the next sentence demean government as all that bad? Reform and focus to improve and to resolve current problems is more appealing.




  1. it's been broken for the past 8 years, they got a chance to make it before bush screwed it all up. and if we don't change course, others will not get the chance to make it. got it?

  2. Because they Management their own Lives Properly whether Rich or Poor gotta be Raised right and Responsible, Look at Biden's son he is Attorney General of Delaware, and Look at Chelsea and How Mature she has been thanks to Bill and Hillary, and Look at McCain's Kids they are 20 30 Years Old and they still cry to Mommy and Daddy Obama's Excuse his Daughters are 5 and 10 they are still Kids, but they will be Real Adults too because Biden and Obama both Get It as well as the Clinton's, where as The Bush's the McCain's their Children are Lost cause their Parents Don't get it.

    Its How you Raise your Own Kids.

    America's Broken Because of Dysfunctional Families and Broken Homes  

  3. for the same reason John McCain would skip out on voting for the new GI bill

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