
If America became a monarchy, who should the royal family be?

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If America became a monarchy, who should the royal family be?




  1. definitely the Hilton's. Then paris and Nicki Hilton would be princesses, yuck!

  2. Miss Hannah Shadows.

    in other words.


  3. Ellen Degeneres

  4. not the Bushes that's for sure.

  5. mine. tehe.

  6. my family =]

  7. If the European precedent was to be taken, it would be the family of whoever it was who led the movement to establish the monarchy.  If more than one family was involved, in seemingly equal terms regarding importance, they'd fight a Civil War and the victor's family would become the Royal Family.

  8. B.B. King and Queen Latifah.  And Prince, of course.

  9. What's this, a kite fly for Cheney?

  10. King Brad and Queen Angelina and all their little Princes and Princesses!

  11. Whoever overthrows the government and his heirs.

  12. I`d guess it`d be the Kennedys

  13. Bill and Hillary of course!!!

  14. If any one family has established a dynasty, it has been the Bushes; however, the Clintons are certainly in the running. No Kennedy since JFK has won the presidency, although Robert and Teddy both ran for the office.  

    Fortunately, America doesn't have a monarchy since usually the ruling family's worst traits come out over successive generations.  Of course, many of the presidents and vice presidents are distant cousins to each other (even if they aren't aware of it).  

    According to,

    ------George W. Bush is related to George Herbert Walker Bush, Franklin Pierce, James Garfield, Gerald Ford, and William Taft.

    ------Bill Clinton is similarly related to Benjamin Harrison, William H. Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Ronald Reagan, and Jackie Kennedy.  

    ------Meanwhile, John F. Kennedy is distantly related to Benjamin Harrison, Martha Jefferson (married to Thomas Jefferson), Laura Bush, and Jimmy Carter.

    ------Jimmy Carter can claim kin to Benjamin Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Richard Nixon, Anna Harrison, Bess Truman, Lady Bird Johnson, Mary Taylor (married to Zachary Taylor), and JFK.

  15. The Clintons: Hillary, William and Chelsea

  16. If it is based off who runs the country then it would be the Cheney's.

  17. Chuck Norris

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