
If America elected a Republican who didn't live up to ANY of his promises 4 years.. y would we do it again?

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George W. Bush promised all the things that John McCain is currently promising. America elected George W. Bush and found out that he renigged on all of his promises and instead created tax breaks and loop holes to benefit the top 5% of Americans. Then, he put is in a war that MOST of America regrets and he caused the deficit to explode. Not to mention 4.50/gasoline. So, WHY would Americans vote for ANOTHER Republican making the same promises 4 years later? I would vote for Kobe Bryant or my 14-year old cat before I would vote for another Republican.




  1. I don't know how long Marvin the Martian has been around but I believe I have been around longer.  Does he realize the only 2 Democrat presidents we have had in 40 years were Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, and you want to talk about someone lying? People probably will vote for another Republican because some people just don't seem bright enough not to or too gullible to look at the truth. The only time in all that the deficit was down was under Clinton.

    Sunshine are you forgetting that GW has been in 8 years almost and the dems have only had the congress for about 1 of those or did you not know?

  2. You would vote for a rapist, rather than Republican? Scumbag.

  3. we should nver vote for a republican againnnnnnnnnnnnn  

  4. Good question. They elected Bush twice. I just want to sit and see if they will elect him a third  time under McCain

  5. Let's not forget the mess President Bush inherited from Clinton - not counting the stained dress(es).... higher unemployment, inflation, flubbed chances to nab Osama, bombing an aspirin plant, mysterious deaths of two administration officials, questionable dealings with real estate/ Chinese & Middle Eastern agents/ Puerto Rican terrorists/ suspicious disappearance of White House furnishings & records/ White Water deals/ ad, nauseum.

    I'll take Bush & McCain in a New York minute.

  6. The tax breaks you're referring to are called the "trickle-down" theory. Read into it before you think he's just trying to benefit the Top 5%.

    $4.50 gasoline is a negligence not only by Republicans, but by the American government as a whole to not take proper measures for environmental benefit. And by the way, gas on the whole is now a tad below $4.00.

    John McCain is different from Bush, he is more of a moderate.

  7. You are forgetting one thing:  The democratic congress - THEY are the reason for Bush not being able to get his plans for America passed.   A democratic congress and a republican president don't mix. It's like water and electricity - can't get them to work together!!  The president CANNOT do things on his own.  His plans or laws - whatever, have to be passed through congress, so if congress doesn't agree with Bush's policies or anything he wants to accomplish for the good of the country, nothing will get change!

    Ever since the dems took over congress, what have THEY accomplished??  NOTHING!  I rest my case!

    Edit:  Bush has his reasons for vetoing the bill - reasons that I'm sure were, at the least, sensible.  You can't just look at a bill that's proposed, then grab a pen and sign it.  You have to look at all the ups and downs - the positive and the negative of the bills and who will benefit and who won't.  It's not as simple as you are blindly led to believe.   Not all bills that democrats want to get passed are good.   The reason why Bush vetoed the bill is because, first of all, that would encourage people who are covered by private insurance to leave and go with publicly and/or federally-funded health insurance - and it also would increase spending, which is something the dems have been bashing Bush for - and the dems themselves were trying to do the same thing with that State health insurance program for children.

  8. Does anyone honestly believe Obama will deliver any of his promises other than raising taxes? To begin with, There is not one thing Obama has promised that he can do, himself...every single promise he has made will be up to the House and Senate so there will be his excuse when he fails to come through with his promises. Hasn't anyone noticed that everything that comes down the pike Obama has a promise or a new tax for? I think the Democratic Congress will let at least one of Obama's promises come through...they will allow him to raise your taxes so they can take us all by the hand and tell us what we should be spending our money on, bet in it!

  9. Do you know why any President veto's a bill? Democrats are great for this also! They slip in a $500 million clause into a what should be a $100 million Child Health Care bill. Bush did veto some bills that should of been passed, and they would of been if not for stunts like that by Democrats!!

    Hey, stick with kobe. A true democrats as there can be. Gets playing hide the sausage with some bimbo, yet the wife stands by her man.  I hope you and kobe are happy together.

    People: notice how freely (for a lack of a better word) those people throw around a word like rape!

  10. George Bush didn't make people buy houses that they couldn't afford. That's one of the main reasons why the economy is so bad.

    America isn't the only country dependent on gas and energy. China has become a very industrialized country and much more dependent on energy and gas.  

  11. The real question; is America better today than eight years ago? The majority of Americans believe we need change from the Bush/McCain policies.

  12. Um, well, I'm not a republican but I think the citizens of America should listen to all the candidates carefully w/o bias and judge them soley on their own policies, views, and experience, not the current president's in office even if they are of the same political party. Be open-minded and question any who are running. Consider the facts over the hype and the rhetoric.  

  13. This is not a referendum on Bush. He's history. Get your mind out of the past.

    Palin will bring change, not socialism.

  14. I vote on Republicans because I believe the good ones are like the Democrats used to be, (like during the days of Roosevelt). There are some other important issues at stake besides just gas prices, and if it weren't for liberal spending in all sorts of special programs, our government wouldn't  have such a deficit.  

  15. They vote for party only.......they don't care about the condition of the nation.

    A real American patriot will not vote for the same failed policies just because it is their party!

  16. If you remember president Bush came into office on an agenda of less government that is responsible to the people, however, after 911 he became transformed by the events of that day and has relentlessly engaged the terrorists ever since.

    Say what you may about Bush but remember there has not been another attack on American soil since 911.

    McCain's record says enough.  He says and does what he believes in regardless of party concensus or affiliation and he has selected an EXCELLENT candidate for VP in governor Palin.

    I will DEFINITELY vote for the McCain/Palin ticket.

  17. Unfortunately it would seem that a percentage of America was stupid enough to re-elect Dubya, and there will be a percentage dumb enough to vote for McBush and Palin.

    Down with the republicans!

    OH>..the Democratic Congress...everyone is pissed at them but look...The moron in the oval office won't sign legislation worth cutting a tree down for but he'll ship more money to the money pit, ie. Iraq and then the republicans in congress tack on other appropriations to the bill to make the dems look like un-American pricks.  Its the republicans' fault, it's always been their fault and will continue to be their fault.

  18. Because the alternative is worse

  19. People, for far too long, have blamed the ENTIRE party for one politician's mistakes.  Bush (thank GOD) does not represent the entire Republican Party.  Both Republicans AND Democrats have done a lot of good for this country as Presidents.  FDR was fine example of a Democratic President.  Reagan was a fine example of a Republican President.  There are great men and women on both sides.  Look at the issues and how these politicians handle situations.  Don't look at their party.  To vote for a party is a fallacy.

  20. We're so used to Democrats lying to us we thought we would give the Republicans a few turns to lie to us.

  21. jordn or wth ur name is.. i would rather vote for a rapist than a man who lied about weapons of mass destruction based on evidence that he KNEW was false, and that got us involved in a S****y war a crappy economy and 30000 dead americans

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