
If America ever institutes either Universal Health Care of Nationalized Health Care?

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Will America like England, Cuba or Canada have to import substandard surgeons and general practitioners because the good docs will have fled to Mexico?

Lets face it if the govt determines the compensation rates for medical personnel will they with go into other fields or move out of the country?

Who here is willing to wait 6-8 months for an MRI?

Who here is willing to wait 12-18 months for surgery?

You need to consider these things before being in favor of govt run health care and will politicians like Castro import Docs for their own health care and leave us common folk to the care of substandard docs either from the Caribbean or India or Pakistan?




  1. Look at the facts.  Despite the USA spending more money on healthcare than any other nation on this planet. it has one of the highest death rates for kids aged under five in the western world.

    I work in the system in the UK.  Your dad would have had the same treatment in the UK.  I know, because I treat patients who have had it.

    Also, for the record, the USA imports loads of doctors from countries like India and Pakistan as well.

  2. You don't know what your talking about.  My husband is British and had a circumcision at the age of 23 only because he didn't like the way it looked for free.  Yeah he had to wait for the old lady that was having heart surgery.  Also his mother had brain surgery to save her life, she was on the verge of dying but she didn't.  Her surgeons were wonderful and it cost her NOTHING.  I have heath insurance and it cost me $100 per month then on top of that I still have to pay co-pays and for my meds.  My husbands meds were completely free.  Also in england if you have a car accident and the ambulance picks you up you do not get billed for it like you do over here.  And I don't want to hear about the taxes.  My husbands taxes were no more over there than they are here.  Plus their wages are your point is nonsense

    Where is your proof my husband just said that is bollocks he or any of his family or freinds ever had to wait that long

  3. We have already imported some less than qualified Docs into the U.S. and we already have to wait months to see Docs, even when the diagnosis is cancer.  The main difference will be, everyone, say it with me, everyone, will have access to health care and hopefully eye and dental care.  Before you pooh pooh this idea, think about all your friends and family who right now don't have that luxury.  Good for you if you are lucky enough to have good health insurance, but companies that have had that in the past, are steadily dropping it or going across the border.

  4. you're right!....isn't it amazing how libs who are so 'dead-set' against everything this country so gullable when it comes to this?? As if suddenly, this gov't they don't trust for ANYTHING else is gonna be our savior in this case!!...this goes into the "lemmings running over the cliff"as far as I'm concerned......and for the above's info...I've had four surgeries, and two MRI's  since '05...and I never had to wait more than two weeks for any of the proceedures!..this WON'T be the case later in a nationalized on it!!!!

  5. Darling, HMOs currently determine compensation rates for doctors.

    Also, there is currently waiting for months for said procedures and for doctors office here in the US.

    We are also seeing a huge increase in medical tourism of US citizens to other countries.

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