
If America goes to war with Russia, which world powers would align with whom?

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Let's just say WW III flared up over this Georgia thing and we all agree not to nuke the planet into dust. Given the super complex nature of global relations nowadays I am curious to see what people from various countries think.




  1. Allies: Air and Naval Superiority

    United States


    South Korea


    Axis of Evil: Massive Armies


    North Korea



  2. There will be no American war with Russia. Russia is responding to an attack on their citizens. Georgia was not smart by attacking the Russians and killing some of their citizens. It would be like Cuba attacking America.

  3. Russia and Iran (50-50 chance North Korea also)


    NATO and CIS and various other allies

    Neutral countries:  China (economic reasons), Venezuela (economic reasons), Switzerland (historical reasons)

  4. I just hope bush isn't stupid enough to push this war. but from what has happened so far in the past 8 years, i have my doubts. He's sent thousands of troops already to get killed in Iraq and Afganastan. Hes the biggest dumbass ever.

    no country can possibly win a war over Russia. Simply because of their land mass. the country is too big to occupy. i agree that goergia did start this, but they've had enough.

    i think every country will butt out. cause that would be a war everyones been expecting forever. but im pretty sure other countries will supply the country of there choice.

    And Elizibeth B, your an idiot. Russia's been supporting Africa for a while already. so don't say that America helps out countries and Russia doesn't. plus, Russia never proved a good allie? are you retarded, Russia is the country that prevented you from speaking German dumbass. They were the ones that stopped the german offense in ww2. Get your facts straight before you state something like your the smartest person in the world.  

  5. It seems since Russian likes to violate NATOs rules, most of the countries of the UN will be in the favor of the US.

  6. Well, it occurs to me that if something so ridiculous were to happen, virtually everyone except the radical middle eastern countries, such as Iran and Syria, would side with the United States. It wouldn't be because they like us.. Oh, no, it would be for financial expediency.  Even China, with it's communist relations to Russia, would side with us because we virtually support their entire financial structure. Plus, Russia has shown in the past that it makes for a terrible ally, whereas the United States has shown itself to be even recklessly loyal to it's allies.  

  7. Read about who Gog and Magog are to learn who will be with the Russians.

    Israel and USA.  US won't last long in this fight.  The rest of NATO is iffy.

  8. This would depend highly on the outcome of this upcomming presidential election.  

  9. Nobody is going to allow Russian domination over their neighbors again.

    You can see the convenient friends banding together with Russia... China, Iran and the like ... those with a chip on their shoulder...but they have no allegiances among them and will stab each other when the moment suits their goals.

  10. I think the vast majority of countries would want to stay the h**l out of it so as not to end up on the business end of an ICBM.

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