
If America helped free Iraq from bad dictatorship, why wont they help Sudan or Zimbabwe .?

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Is it because they have nothing to gain. i mean oil etc




  1. America learned its lesson from a bad occupation of Iraq.  It won't repeat that mistake in this generation.

  2. Zimbabwe does not have oil and it also a former British colony.

    And we toppled Saddam Hussein because he has oil and as a favor to Israel.

    The USA cannot behave like a world cop, why do you think there is so much anti-Americanism in the world?

  3. Helped free Iraq from bad dictatorship?My ****.That was their excuse.He was their best buddy till they decided they wanted bases there and unfettered access to Iraqi oil.Helped free,pfft!You're spot on about Sudan and Zimbabwe.

  4. We don't need military bases in Sudan or Zimbabwe.....

  5. you answer your own question

  6. Exactly - America gives the impression that it is not concerned about anyone except its own citizens.  As it's own oil reserves are getting lower they of course will not take an interest in what is going on in countries that do not have oil to sell.

  7. It was a strategic decision, that's true.  The US can't undo every injustice in the world.  

    It wasn't the oil, though.  If we wanted Iraq's oil, we could easily have bought it like other countries did.  It would have been easier and cheaper.

  8. You said it!

  9. you said it, though Sudan has oil but China got to it first

  10. No Oil, what a thought as if they would! wouldn't they?

  11. We are already in Afghanastan and Iraq because of the terrorist thing..and we are spread to thin already..this is about

    the only good answer..the others are just academic

  12. Of course the US did'nt invade Iraq for oil, what a silly idea! That nice man Mr Bush went to war because those nasty men flew planes into that big building, the fact that they had nothing to do with Iraq means nothing, they looked the same so they were obviously guilty.

  13. It is because going to war costs billions of dollars.  The American people wouldn't stand for another war.

  14. Make no mistake, the US has no love for what Chris Rock refers to as "brown people"...but if their country has something they want, they will turn up quick! Iraq (full of "brown people") had oil, so that's why the Americans used the "weapons of mass destruction" baloney to move in.

    Neither Sudan nor Zimbabwe has anything the US wants, so they do nothing whilst millions of innocent ("brown") people are raped, displaced, murdered, starved, beaten, etc.

    Hope that answers your question!!

  15. theres no OIL there

  16. Maybe I missed it but if the Iraq war was for oil, how come I haven't seen any boats bringing it back to the US?  Please clarify, if you can, how the war in Iraq is for oil.

    I wish left wing liberals would make up their minds. Do they want the US to help other countries or not?

  17. In Zimbabwe there is no mineral oil or petroleum. Although in Sudan there's petroleum, but not in quantities as in Irak

  18. In the past Yugoslovia was a dictatorship and everybody tolerated each other.they had a dictator..............Iraq was a dictatorship and everybody tolerated each other,,nobody was burned alive for selling alchol on the street.women could drive cars all by themselves........women held 40% of the professional positions in  the job market....

    Do you really want to SAVE  another country?for any reason

  19. Iraq is about oil, but not in terms of liquid reserves. The Bush family, and the bin Laden family are both oil-rich. High oil prices mean more profits. You think Geroge Jr. has a job waiting for him at the end of his term? The worst president in US history?

    By artificially inflating oil prices and keeping the public on high alert, they have managed to secure massive wealth for themselves and their friends.

  20. yep... nothing worth fighting for......

  21. Because it doesnt serve there interest it may be the right thing to do but what are we getting out off it.

  22. OIL......................

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