
If America is a Democracy how can you accept Guantanamo bay ?

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Claimed "Terrorrists" are jailed there without any proofs about their "terrorrist acts"! It was said that some aren't terrorrist when they enter the prison but decide to become one when they are finally released!! Guantanamo is a shame! A shame for the US! Did you guys ever heard about the Geneva Convention? Even the worst person on earth has RIGHTS!! Guantanamo is like a North Korean prison! Face people!! I hope the new president will change everything!!




  1. Completely unacceptable.  Bush sux.

  2. Because they are not Americans. They are suspected terrorists. The people in charge have deemed this and I think we'd be right to trust their judgement.

    Ask who considered the rights of the 3,000 Americans who died on September 11th when the terrorists claimed them for infidels.

  3. once again. America is NOT a democracy.we are a representative republic.that said gitmo is not located in the regards the geneva convention .it only applies to UNIFORMED FORCES OF A NATION.not ununiformed terrorist scumbags.obviously you have never been in a north korean uncle was.rights from america are given by the american people.we do not give the murderers of american children  preferential treatment.

  4. They are jailed as prisoners of war, not as criminals.


  5. I do not agree with Mr. Bush's policies at all - but can you name a democracy that has never done such things? All governments have blood on their just need to look.

    No one is "accepting Guantanamo bay " - but seriously, how much control do you yourself have over your own governments policies? Are their hands clean? No? then why didn't YOU stop it? Should I hold you responsible for their actions? This US administration has abused it's power and people are trying to stop it. Needless to say - not an easy process.

    And of course we have heard of the Geneva Convention. Shall I name all the countries that have disregarded it completely over the years?

  6. You are absolutely correct.  And there are many more secret detention centres, including some upon navy ships.  We can only guess of the torture being done in these places.

    I watched a news episode where a news team went into Guantanamo Bay and the operators were supposedly open about the place but almost everywhere they went they were not allowed to take pictures or video.  Nor were they allowed to see much of the place.  So much for being open and above board.

  7. I think it's horrible. People should realize that it's nothing more than a concentration camp. It shows that the US really is no better than those countries which routinely engage in this sort of practice. We're supposed to be better than that.

  8. They are in jail where they deserve to be, this allows people like you to be free and post silly things like this. I guess it would be better to let them loose and let them kill all of us. Do you want them loose in YOUR neighborhood? You are very naive.

  9. I'm ashamed of Gitmo, too.  Especially torture.  Apparently we aren't above the terrorists.  We've lost our moral high ground.  I hope we regain it.

  10. Actually America is a REPUBLIC...and I would rather hold those filthy terrorist in Cuba than the US.  I sure hope McCain continues to protect us, when he takes over in Jan 09.....God Bless the Republic!

  11. America being a democracy has nothing to do with gitmo

    Any government can become a democracy, they just need a vote to elect their leaders.... if there leaders turn out bad it's still a democracy

    Anyways you have no idea what goes on in gitmo... you really don't. Im not saying i do but there is no way you can know what goes on in a secret military prison unless you work there or something.

    Plus The USA is in full compliance with the geneva convention.... unlike the enemies we are fighting who don't even know it exists

    Your just responding to things you have heard on tv, or from friends.... how about you come up with some good hard proof. And whail your at it, thank a member of the military for protecting you from some of the people in gitmo who im sure would love to do terrible things to a person like you.

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