
If America is bankrupt what should we save in order to protect us when we hit bottom

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the national dept has reached over 9 trillion dollars, with little or no chance of recovery we are going into tottal bankruptcy what should we save when our money is worthless,

if your interested in how realy bad it is check

the american dept clock it will scare the heck out of you as it has the rest of the world.




  1. i think you'll be ok, tbone.

  2. Since you can't spell simple words, I would suggest investing what small amounts of money you have in an education.

    My America isn't going bankrupt, I'm not sure why yours is. When enrolling in high school, try some economics classes, they might help you out with your fiscal understanding issues.

    Good luck!

  3. it depends on what you mean by "Bottom"

    The bottom would be a barter society. To survive reasonably on your own:

    Get at least 40 acres per person in your family. keep animals such as Goats, Cows, horses,  chickens & Hogs.  Farm at least the "Three sisters"   (see the link) Get some yeast for breadmaking, drill a well. If you can afford it ,a deer pasture is a good Idea as well as some bee hives.

    Buy pure gold as Gold as it is the only true international currency, has been for thousands of years.

  4. Thats a good question. That debt grows everyday as billions are being spent in Iraq and Afghanistan. I mean really how much longer is that b.s going to go on??

  5. you should convert all your money to Euro's and move to Switzerland

  6. I've been collecting silver coins my whole life.

    But don't worry, the Chinese can't let us go bankrupt, they have to much of their money invested in us.

  7. Floyd 04, how very true!  It's quite feasible that Chinese (along with Polish) could replace German and French in schools.

    If USA really does go bankrupt and money is worthless, then we had all better revert back to the old trade of bartering!

    Frankly, it won't happen and I am sick to death of hearing about USA!

  8. We all need to learn to speak Chinese, because they own us.

  9. In one word.....GOLD!  It's been going up in value dramatically in the past 9 years.  

  10. America isn't bankrupt.  Think about it for a little while.  If every person in the US paid one penny in tax that's roughly 300 million pennies or 3 million dollars.  Now I know not everyone will pay one penny but there are a lot of people who pay much much more than that on a daily basis.  If you add this all up together you'll see that it's impossible for America to go bankrupt especially when big corporations pay millions in taxes every quarter.  If we'd stop things like welfare or at least police it so that no freeloaders can take advantage of it and stop giving those Muslim countries all of those billions every year, we'd have such a surplus the likes of which the world has never known but no, the liberals in America want us to give (our enemies basically) all those billions.

    Forget it, America isn't anywhere close to bankruptcy.

  11. I'd invest in gold.  It usually goes through the roof when the dollar drops.

  12. covert u.s.d. to gold silver or best yet diamonds  or exchange for Canadian dollars  land is good if paid for .get out of stock exchange and banks keep your fiends and family close more straigt in numbers that you trust. do not believe all that you read or see in media  

  13. Gold.

    For all of time gold has ALWAYS been some of the most valuable things man has possessed.  

    Also, firearms.

    As many firearms and ammo as possible.

    If I KNOW the worlds ending, I'm not going without a Hunting rifle, a Glock, and a P90. Stockpiling ammo is also good.

    After all, if you have the gold, you'll need something to protect it.

  14. Gold holds value in such times.

  15. It isn't--don't worry about scare tactics.

  16. Use your money to buy sensible, material things that would be useful to you and your family.

    You cannot DEPEND on anybody to take care of you.  You need to read Alas Babylon.  I got inspired when I saw how people could work together after a nuclear disaster - like us, they'd have died just WAITING for the government, etc. to come to the rescue.

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