
If America is c**p and provides no opportunities, why aren't Americans floating on rubber tubes to Cuba?

by Guest57136  |  earlier

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Our souls are broken.




  1. 'cos that would take balls!!!

    Viva Che!!! (I am not cuban but may be a closet revolutionary!)

  2. Many people in other countries would insult America in every way possible but would be dying to come here.

  3. Because Cuba is worse.


  4. Why are you saying the US is c**p?

    The country has problems, but it certainly isn't c**p

  5. Demorat, you're right!  It's the opposite, isn't it, and if you'll note the posts regarding our country, the positive flow of people into the USA is scarcely acknowledged.  It comes under the category of "inconvenient truth."

    Keep in mind that the vast number of Anti-Amercian pundits on these forums HAVE NEVER BEEN HERE, have never met a regular American who wasn't a damned tourist and are fed daily a steady diet of Anti-American propaganda that would make Josef Göbbels proud.

    In other words, they're dumb as ape f***s, full of rage and indignation that they don't live like we do-even some of the poorer Americans-and so they project hatred onto the vast American middle class, who only wants to work and survive, and could care less about sitting in some café on the Leopoldstraße or Champs d'Elysee and looking European.  We're American, determinedly so.  

    Ironic, isn't it? The free world, the world of supposed free speech and expression, is as poisoned as a dog that just drank anti-freeze.  But for all the grief it's caused, there STILL insn't a negative flow of people out of the country.  Not even tourists.

  6. Because we have the fortitude to stay and try to reverse and repair the damage that has been done.

  7. My sentiments exactly!

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