
If America is only providing humanitarian aid, doesn't the extreme haste cause justifiable Russian suspicion?

by Guest61030  |  earlier

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They didn't seem that hasty in sending aid to the earthquake victims in China. Once again, the over the top interest in such a tiny state by the two super powers makes you realise that they have more than the welfare of the inhabitants at heart. These are the first salvos in the Fuel Wars which will mar this planet for years to come. The power that controls the fuel supply will control the planet.




  1. It is not just simple as 'OIL/Energy', this is just part of a bigger picture, literally a lot going on behind the scenes. Bush said Russian bid to join WTO might be hampered, of course it was an empty threat as Russians have clearly shown, Russia doesn't give a d**n about what Bush thinks.

    Russian foreign minister today said, they weren't going to let us join WTO anyway. So that suggests a lot is going on and without a doubt Georgia would not have dared provoke Russia without the backing of US.

    Russia has clearly warned it will protect its interests. US in turn is trying to increase its influence and encircle Russia. Other issues are defense shield in Europe. US bases around Russia, those countries joining NATO, economical control, rush to control resources, political alliances etc. It is not just simple as that.

    While the humanitarian aid, it is never just simple as sending aid, of course every country knows that.

    So spying will be top priority. Many aid workers will actually be US advisers, with instructions on what to do and how to proceed. Then politically wrangling going on behind the scene. So a lot to think about especially for Russians, for every country you can never be to cautious.

  2. i know,  i thought for sure Russia would shoot us out of the sky, but they didn't,  i guess Russia is scared.  i know the USA would have shot Russia down if the situation was reversed.

    Russia flexing muscles until USA showed up,  ha ha ha


  3. Yes, It's a very political move for which the gesture is significantly more important than any practical action.

    GWB couldn't really give a d**n about Georgians

  4. I love how a lot of you people say "Well Bush didnt send aid to hurrcane katrina" Well thats because Bush doesnt run every god dam company and organizestion in the entire country. Being president of the USA is a big job so he cant be everywhere at once.

  5. Bush didn't send aid to his own people that fast during hurricane Katrina.

    What a tool

    Obama 08

  6. Suspicion in the act of the enemy is needed to keep the nation  alert.

  7. we were very quick to respond to china's disaster, a part of our OKC bombing experts were among the first to go along with their trained dogs.  it was on our local news, the government flew them and others quickly with lots of aid.  America is always among the first respondents in any disaster in the world.

    what Putin has done out of mostly revenge and muscle flexing is the equivalent of him saying that CA should be free and separate from the USA. all people of mexican dissent will be issues passports and he will declare that they are under his protection. they declared their independence from the USA. then he sends in 10,000 'peacekeepers' to protect their rights. he kills or jails anyone who opposes him.

    when some of the people in CA do not want their 'peacekeepers; and trouble starts over this fact he sends in his overpowering troops and bombs everything in site and the people with it. then he goes on to nevada and arizona and occupies them too.

    this is the basic scenario as to that has happened in Georgia, the entry as they are western and wanted to join with NATO and is supported by the west. to a point that is but it is shame that we are not in a potions to respond more directly due to our dependence on foreign oil now. one more reason why we need to be more independent like they are now.

  8. They responded this fast to Georgia and yet when New Orleans needed help fast look what happened. I think the bush government was in total shock at how fast and intense Russia's response was to Georgia's invasion of another country..

  9. Russia is not stupid. Their satellites have been monitoring what Uncle Sam has been doing on the ground and  they will deliver proper response as needed.

  10. This is an energy conflict and now Russia will try to use soft power to depose Saakasvili.  Almost all current and future conflicts involve an energy component.  On that point you are right, however Georgia is a thriving democracy and to see it crushed is not in our national interest.

    US should not have recognized Kosovo.

  11. The United States is always ready to provide aid in disaster, both its military and many missionary groups.  This quickness is getting there is because Georgia is our ally and the aid was part of the peace treaty brokered by the French.

    If we were not there immediately your question would be...where is the United States.  At times we have to wait because of governments not wanting to let the aid in such as was the case in China.  It had to be handled through diplomatic channels.

    There is not a snake under every rock.

  12. I think the Russians should be congratulated for moving in so quickly to prevent what could have been a huge massacre. A week after the event we might have been looking at 20,000 dead and many more chased from their homes - with a much bigger human crisis. Fortunately, the whole thing has been contained, and it is a manageable problem to deal with - and for people to analyse.

    Well done Russia

    - for a quick response to save lives

    - a co-operative approach to peace talks

    - and an agreement to withdraw within a matter of days.

    Has there ever been such a responsible action - unlike the embroiled conflicts going on elsewhere.

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