
If American Woman Say I Good Christian and God Create Me, Then Why America Woman Hate Natural Body God Create?

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If American Woman Say I Good Christian and God Create Me, Then Why America Woman Hate Natural Body God Create?




  1. Some Christian women do hate their bodies, but most are just concerned about looking their best. You know, with things like staying in shape, and general upkeep. When you treasure something, you take care of it as best you can.

    But it's extremely hard in this hyper-sexualized culture to not be self-conscious. You can't even turn on the tv or drive down the street without seeing a half naked woman, with a fake but perfect airbrushed body, imprinting women and impressionable young girls with the belief that in order to be attractive and therefore loved and wanted, you must look like that.

    It seems that everyone is being graded on their appearance rather than the contents of the heart.  

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