
If Americans are often stereotyped as slower and dumber than why?

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Why have we invented the most things? Why do we have the most powerful millitary? Why do we have great university's that people travel from all over the world to attend? Why do we have NASA, Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, GM, ARMY, Navy, Air Force, Marines?




  1. It is due to that the common American relies very much upon labor saving devices that some parts of our thinking have become irrelevant since we have many items that can do it for us. However, when properly used, these devices (such as computers) can lead to a much higher level of productivity.

  2. Lol another stereotype about american they think they're the best. But well you know i am french and there are a lot of stereotypes about u like they eat bread ,wear berret ,drink wine ,smoke cigs ,women dont shave underarm (what the ****!!) . I personaly don't pay attention to stereotypes ,i hear those stereotypes about american and it doesnt mean i dont love americans !i love them lol

  3. china is taking over look at their population you talk about all that you have but look at the back of your alarm clock doesnt say made in north america its says made in CHINA im not chinese but i know its coming and their is nothing me you or anyone else can do why would you want to stop it anyway the west have had their turn now time to turn over a new leaf just accept it.

  4. because some non americans are jealous

  5. The average American is dumber.  Just because 2% of the population has done some great things doesn't make the entire population great.

    By the way, most inventions were not invented by Americans but by America's finest "illegal immigrants".  Einstein was NOT an American.  

    Our television and propaganda machine has made the people think they are superior just for breathing.

    Being the best killing machine in the world does not make us a great nation.  We're in a pretty sorry state of affairs and a person has to be incredibly stupid not to see it.

  6. As a veteran of the world's finest blue water Navy I can tell you that having seen the places they are from, they all want to be us, but to be one of us legally takes a little bit of effort and dedication, so it's easier to do the sour grapes thing, and take cheap shots at us.

    "You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a  white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the Swiss hold the  America's Cup, France is accusing the US of arrogance and  Germany doesn't want to go to war.

  7. We have the most powerful military because we spend more on the military than all the world's nations put together.

    Why do some Americans go abroad for their educations?

    NASA has it's equivalents in Russia, Japan, etc.

    Why are Lockheed Martin & Boeing getting most of their aircraft parts from foreign countries?

    GM has most of it's parts made from other countries.

    Why don't most Americans know where Iraq is?!?

    Our students are being left behind by students in other countries in math., science, technology, etc.

  8. Americans are not dumb. They just take sweet time to do things that turn out tobe the greatest. So are the Germans. Germans produce famous cars BMW, Volkswagen and Mercedes not forgetting Einstein, Franz Backenbaur, Boris Becker and many more. You see when we rush to do things, we may get things done faster but we will miss the finer points.

  9. Why are you even reacting and justifying? People who say that c**p are just jealous. Ignore them; we know who we are.

  10. Some of those great discoveries, accomplishments, and inventions also came from our forced labor...African-Americans.  Look up George Washington Carver, look up the Tuskeegee Institute an Airmen, llok up the Blood Bank, look up the elevator.


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