
If Americans really want to contain immigration, then why...?

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... why don't they stop exporting fake movies where they praise so much wealth, richness, and easy-to-buy expensive homes, and instead they show how it really is to live--or better, survive--in America?




  1. That is most certainly NOT true.  People do think they can have it better in America because they can.  They don't expect to become rich.  Wouldn't you go across the border if it meant a 500% increase in pay?  The difference between sending your children to school or forcing them to be slaves in sweatshops?  The difference between getting real medical care or seeing a family member die from the FLU?  The difference between having one tiny meal a day or three?  

    Our corporations have ravaged these people.  Raped them of their resources and labor and kept all the proceeds for themselves.  They are still doing it.  Its not the people's fault.

  2. People who can't tell the difference between entertainment and reality shouldn't leave their doorstep, much less enter another country.

  3. Well EVERYONE is trying to escape reality - that's why we are all on drugs - ILLEGAL and LEGAL ones - coke, Prozac,xanax and everything else.That's why people watch TV ( notice how all the people are rich and good looking) .NO ONE wants to live in reality that's why some people consider schizophrenics lucky.

    You are VERY right, most people even people in the richest country in the world are poor and struggle to make it.Movies don't do a VERY good job at portraying reality with millions spent in the making.

    I knew some illegals well. You can make a living in those countries but you make more per hour here and get benefits you can't get in other countries.

  4. I agree, some countries won't allow our movies for that reason. They call it propaganda of western lies. h**l some of our own believe the lies like younger women for example, Soaps and American idol are the leading media in their lives. h**l if they don't get intrigue and romance you're toast.

  5. They think it's still the land of opportunities.

  6. compared to our lifestyles, you're right, middle class has little extra money to use after all of our bills are paid. however when immigrants come here they are making 10 times as much money as they do in their country, AND they don't have many bills here like we do. They can share an apartment and pay little rent, bills and busfare, but we have car payments, credit cards, student loans, house payments, etc.

    it still works out better for them if they more here. even if they rent a crappy apartment here, it is usually still better than a place in their country.

  7. Hate to break it to you, but the average American has ZERO control over hollywood and the media.

    Wherever it is YOU live---how much control do you have ovwer the lies that are told?

    Yeah.......I thought so.

  8. It won't happen because it's all about the money! especially when it comes to Hollywood. If you compare some parts of Mexico to any slum in the US, life is still a lot better in the slum.

  9. what does fake movies have to do with immigration?

    immigration is not the problem. ILLEGAL immigration is the problem

  10. some of us americans want to stop all these illegils from coming here but others just mouth the words, wonder what would happen to us if we invaded their country like they have us. we would be in prison and never heard from again unless there was somebody that could pay a ransom

  11. Because SOME of them only want to show a fake America. Some of them are like that.

  12. What the heck are you talking about? Strange question.

    What does Hollywood and movies have to do with anything or your Average American? Nothing. They are movies i.e. make believe.

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