
If Anheiser Bush were to sponsor an environmental concert, would that be viewed as contradictory?

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I'm having a concert to save the Everglades, and we were going to look to Anheiser to be a sponsor. Would that be contratictory?




  1. LOL, Yo people...  Not sure if you are aware of this but fermentation, which is what happens when beer is made, is one of the leading producers of CO2.  

    So, not sure if you guys have done your homework but this is an indication that people here simply follow the pied piper and don't think and learn for themselves.

    However, since CO2 has never been tied to global warming or climate change in any way, they would be totally perfect for any cause since beer tends to lure people to public attractions... ie; baseball, football, hockey...  Also, it gives a clear message that you aren't passing judgment, but simply teaming up for a worthy cause...  I mean China has surpassed us in CO2 production but I bet we still get most of our products from them as we always have and we will continue.

  2. no, just because they are a beer manufacturer doesn't mean it would be contradictory.  They own Sea World and help save animals and protect habitats.

  3. only if they pollute the environment

  4. Just because bud is bad beer , it doesn't make them bad for the environment. Also that is Busch not lil W's company, unless uncle Dicky bought it for him.

  5. Nope every little bit helps...just pick up the beer cans.

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