
If Appalachian State upsets LSU, should they be considered in the BCS rankings.?

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If Appalachian State upsets LSU, should they be considered in the BCS rankings.?

After Appalachian state upset Michigan last season, there was talk about ranking them. If they pull off another big upset do you think they should be ranked.




  1. No because they're in the league formally known as Division 1-AA

  2. No.  Nothing against Appalachian State though.  Michigan was ranked #5 last year when they lost to ASU.  This year LSU is ranked only 7th.  I'm torn between rooting for LSU and ASU.  I'm originally from Louisiana and have rooted for LSU for over 40 years but I do live about a half hour from Boone, NC now so I root for them as well but only when they aren't playing against LSU.

    EDIT:  BREAKING NEWS:  I just saw it on the bottom of the screen on ESPN that the Appalachian State and LSU game has had the time changed.  It will be on ESPN Classics at 11:00 am.  You might want to make note of this change.

  3. is this a serious question or what? as if that would happen.

  4. No, they are 1AA.  And I'm thinking with one loss LSU's schedule is tougher than this one for App State:

  5. Everyone thinks that scheduling games are easy. This is why College AD's in the earlier years came up with the concept of having conferences, haveing a conference makes majority of your programs scheduling easier.  Its another reason why most Independant programs bolted from independants to a conference, 1) better chance to be considered for a bowl, since bowls where becoming more and more alligned with existing conferences giving little chance for independants to be invited,2) the scheduling factor, Independent programs must schedule all 11 games, and sometimes get stuck playing lower tier programs, making their wins less quality and again less chance to get invited to a bowl.

    Schedules are made, usually two or more years in advance, then usually when it gets closer to that game being played, lets say a year away, that university ad calls your university ad to back out of the game, they have an opportunity to play so and so instead, more money

    or whatever, that puts your ad in a panic mode, now you have an open date, originally you have 7 home games, now you possibly could lose

    that home game, thats revenue loss people, you call for respectable programs around your area, they are locked, now your going to a much larger program a bcs team, one's you have possibilities for are too far away, or wont agree with your terms for a home game for your team, what do you do, you look for a quick fix, maintain your 7 home games, call up a div1aa program who always eager to play a bcs team,

    you pay em like 250,000 big money for them , pocket change when hosting other bcs programs. .Oh the answer is no, different division levels. Appy State plays at a Division that got it right, they have a playoff format.

  6. No.  Appalachain St. is not a FBS team.  They're a FCS team.  Even if someone ranked Appalachain State after beating Michigan or possibly LSU, they couldn't play in a bowl-game if they went undefeated for the rest of the season anyway.

    That difference in "subdivisions" is exactly why I think the NCAA shouldn't even let FBS teams play FCS teams in the first place.  There are plenty of FBS patsies that teams like Michigan and LSU could schedule.  Why schedule an FCS team then?      

  7. Well the BCS rankings don't come out until late in the season. Also keep in mind that App. State hasn't even been ranked yet. They recieved votes last year but no ranking, so even if they go undefeated, they might get a 20 or 21 ranking at the most. Because NCAA is only giving subdivision a chance to be ranked to look good, not actually to compete for a championship.

  8. I have to agree with most of the answers here. No. They are a FCS team and I know big Div 1 schools like to give these smaller schools a chance to play the big dogs (K-State, 90's era) It doesnt help either of them so I don't think they should even be allowed to schedule them as well.

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