
If Australia becomes a republic does that mean we lose the Queens birthday weekend holiday?

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If Australia becomes a republic does that mean we lose the Queens birthday weekend holiday?




  1. No, of course not, it will become Independence day.

  2. we can't have it all but we can try ,a replublic beats a Queen of hearts any day

  3. A lot of regional centres around Australia don't observe the Queens birthday.   They use it for their local festivals and carnivals instead.  

    I wouldn't be surprised if the Politicians try to remove it though.   They love ripping off their constituents while they ride the gravy train.

  4. Small price to lose to break free from england.

  5. not sure but its pretty scary knowing the whole system will change

    im just glad were not changing to inches and money conversions

  6. WHEN (not if) we become a republic, we'll have a President's Day or a Republic Day or something. Aussies will always find a reason to have a holiday.

    Roll on the Republic - no more foreign monarch.

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