
If BB has planned for Mario to go in on Sunday? ?

by  |  earlier

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to propose to Lisa, can we assume that they would have fixed it so that she was not evicted tonight?




  1. Omg yeah hadnt though of that.

    Prob yeah but nicole wud of went anyway

  2. I would have believed that if Nicole wasn't up against her. Nicole was definately gonna go once she was up. But it was a coincedence they announced it earlier today! I think it saved her...

    Can't wait till Sunday, gonna be soo sweet!

  3. a herd of wild horses couln't have stopped nicole from going, it was SO obvious that she was gone as soon as her name was announced, no fix i'm afraid.

  4. it was pretty obvious who was going home.

    they didnt and wouldnt fix the phone lines.

    and even if lisa had gone home, mario just wouldn't go in the house.  

  5. Nicole had been far in the lead with votes for her to leave since the phone lines opened during the week so I guess her leaving and Lisa staying was a foregone conclusion !

  6. I am with Bianca on this........we have waited from the moment Nasty Nic mk II went in to kick her back out again!

    It was a sure bet......the only thing was, you had to put down a £100 to win a fiver!

  7. Exactly what I said earlier


  8. I think it was obvious that nicole would go tonight but I also think that this is a way of making money for mario and maybe was planned between them from the start depending on which one was evicted first, the other one would do this to make huggins of money . I.e magazine deals covering the wedding, honeymoon, kids etc the list is endless. Watch this space!!!!!

  9. Yes, we can assume.

    BB knew and planned it this way.

  10. I think it was already a foregone conclusion that Nicole was out .

  11. Seems really fishy to me, so did the Rex / Nicole thing.

  12. When was it announced ?

    Before or after the eviction ?

  13. yer and you can see darnell wining with kat in the final roll on im a celeb get me outa heer

  14. Well Nicole was hated! Lisa was the least likely to go out. Anyway if Lisa did go tonight, he would have probably proposed then!

  15. I doubt it, Nicole was a clear favourite for eviction.

  16. you answered one of my questions about the asians giving me food and drugging me remember?. let me tell you that you are uptight and have very little personality if any. you are a sheep that follows the liberal media about what is or isnt acceptable to say. you should fit right in in 1944 n**i germany like a good little sheep. on top of that you fail to reconize what is a joke. which makes you even more uptight. you need to get laid badly

  17. Yeah it was the bloke behind the grassy knoll!

  18. yh  defo

  19. ohh thats a good question..

    nah, they probably would've asked him to do it on BBLB on the very small chance that she was evicted.

    i think it was obvious lisa's in it til the final.

  20. Yes you are correct

  21. No, they can tell from the percentage of votes she got when they allowed Mario to go in that she wouldn't be evicted. On Wednesday, one day after they announced who was up L had like 4% and Sara had like 12% and Nicole had the rest. Pretty obvious that Lisa wasn't going to go.

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