
If BDS libs were to learn the truth from Fair & Balanced FOXNEWS, would they quit being so hate filled & evil?

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If BDS libs were to learn the truth from Fair & Balanced FOXNEWS, would they quit being so hate filled & evil?




  1. Let me get this straight, you think Fox is full of love and kindness?

    Fox is far from balanced.  And in no way fair.  

  2. I watch Fox under the pretense... keep your friends close and your enemies closer. They are absolutely biased! Its almost hilarious!

    Democrats... evil? Looks like you have been paying VERY close attention to Fox News. Isn't just making that statement saying it all?

    You've been brainwashed, and are now accusing Democrats of exactly what YOU are doing. Being filled with hate.

  3. FOX and the truth are two words that rarely belong in the same sentence.  They are all commentary all the time.  Deal with it, they don't deliver the news, they deliver opinion.

  4. I hope this question is supposed to be humorous.  Fox News is a right-wing propaganda outlet run by Murdoch who considers Fox News viewers to be mentally challenged.  

  5. Faux news tells you rethuglicans exactly what you want to is a wonderful propaganda tool for the rethuglican party, especially in conjunction with the corporate controlled rightist talk radio.  It seems that your side is quite hate filled your selves, and well, EVIL. Do your radio commentators not regularly call for GENOCIDE against Arabs? did not savage just recently engage in a hate filled attack against autistic kids? What about reagan(another fascist rethuglican radio pus) .suggesting that we stick a grenade up an Arab baby's a**s, "happy birthday baby"...when pressed by a caller on the issue..did he not say that he would kill their mothers as well? You on the right that support this hate ARE AIR WASTERS, and deserve the fate that you wish on others. You, have MUCH  to answer for, but the so-called democratic left is in bed with you...they have supported the bush crime family at almost every turn, they are complicit in this disaster. You have BOTH taken the country to a very dark place...BOTH my ENEMY and both deserving of whats coming............

  6. I changed my home page away from Verizon's because of their affiliation with Fox sports, its pretty bad when Murdoch can even manage to slant sports coverage.

  7. I thing it would be more productive and less time consuming trying to get a flounder to learn to drive a car, rather than attempt what you just suggested.

    There is a story I was told by an Antro professor of mine back in college that reminds me of trying to change some one suffering from BDS.

    See there are these monkeys that live on the coast of Japan and some researchers were studying their behavior.  They took some fruit and threw it on to the beach.  Now they watched as the monkeys picked up the fruit and sat there for several minutes trying to brush off the sand.  Then they noticed a young female pick up the fruit and dunk it in a pool of water.  Soon all the young monkeys were washing off the sand.  Eventually the older ones were as well.  But they noticed also that the old males were happy sitting in the sand brushing off the sand.  They never changed.

    The Researchers tried the same experiment again but with rice.  The same young monkey picked up a load of rice and sand and threw it in to the pool of water while the rest of the family picked each individual grain of sand from the sand.  Soon all the young moneys were separating the sand and rice in the water and then the older monkeys followed suit after a while.  But the old males were stuck in their ways, they picked out each individual grain from the sand.

    The moral of the story according to my professor is, "Don't become an old Male monkey, they are too set in their ways."

    BDS'ers are too stuck in their ways.  All they know how to do is hate and I seriously think they will loose it once they have no one to vent their mindless hatred on anymore.

  8. Fox News- Fair and balanced = Hysterical

  9. Not really because libs with BDS don't believe anything that Fox News shows is truth.  You may as well ask them to find a dry towel at the bottom of a swimming pool.  If fanatically radical libs watch Fox News, they would believe what they were watching was some kind of lie before they would believe anything else.

  10. BDS definition: To support a moron no matter how many of your children he gets killed in endless, pointless wars; or no matter how many times he crashes the economy.

    If you're so worried about hate-filled evil, stop voting republican.

  11. You're asking the impossible.

  12. No !  It's a way of life for them.  When you focus all your anger toward someone else, life is easier in other relationships..

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