
If BF lives in roach apartment, and brought 1 roach home, is my place now infected?

by Guest64127  |  earlier

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My boyfriend lives in an apartment in the Bronx and I live in a house in Jersey. He frequently visits and brings bags with clothing and books. Today I found a cockroach walking on my bed. Does this mean that there will be more in the house? Do I have to spray or use bait if I killed that one? Im so grossed out!!!!




  1. I moved from my own crappy apartment back into my parents house, and I infested their house with roaches.  So it's definitely possible.  But maybe I brought more than one roach, because I brought lots more boxes and bags and stuff.  Just to be cautious, you should put some stuff out, like bait and the stuff you were talking about.

  2. If it is a female carrying eggs then yes. Usually they drop the egg sac when they're threatened. Occasionally, one comes home in groceries and we've managed to keep away from infestation. We can always hope that the THREAT caused that sac to drop before you brought it home.

  3. Fog the house now before it becomes a problem then fog again within a week to cover any eggs that may have hatched..I have seen many places infested by obtaining used furniture brought from households with roaches/eggs in them..This is usually one of the main ways of infestation besides keeping an unsanitary house..fog it now before it becomes a problem...

  4. Chances are great that you already have an infestation if you saw one on your bed.They prefer dark cracks and crevices until the population gets high, and they reproduce fast. The best method to end the problem is the aerosol bombs that you set off and leave the area for a couple of hours.The aerosol penetrates the hiding places where spray can't reach.You will need to do this a second time about two weeks later to get the young that hatch from eggs after the initial treatment.

  5. Elizabeth B, I moved from New Jersey to New Mexico last year, so I'm not sure who I could contact to assist you. Here is a list of apartments in New Jersey that you can call. Hopefully someone can help you.

    Have fun in New Jersey

  6. im so sorry i cant even answer i can only say  GROSS this really freaks me out! What will your parents do?? Personally i ditch the Bf faster than i squish the first of probally 1000s of them now in your house! sorry!

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