
If Barack Obama had 2 white parents, would he be the Democratic nominee?

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Only Ulysses S. Grant has achieved the presidency with less political experience than Barack Obama if he were to get elected.




  1. Not sure about that, but it disgusts me that a large part of the votes will be uninformed.  

    How does he think he is going to accomplish all of his tasks?  With a snap of his fingers?  Nothing against him personally, but I believe the guy hasn't got the slightest clue how to run a nation.  

    I also heard a commercial on the radio last year that was "latino influenced" and persuading the brown culture to vote for Obama for change.  This was not a commercial sponsered by Obama, but it was all about the race card.  "Mexicans and blacks don't always get along, but lets unite on this one" was the main message.  UGHHHH!!!  

  2. No way.  He wouldn't have even run much less become the pre-sumptive nominee.  Think back 2 years ago-  it was a sure thing that Hillary was going to be the democratic nominee.  All democrats LOVED her.  All the sudden half of them hate her- for no reason except they have a black man to vote for now.  

  3. Obama is the Democratic nominee

  4. no he wouldnt...and Grant was crooked and a drunk

  5. But Grant did achieve it and, oh my gosh, he was white.

  6. no

  7. YES!!!!!

    And Hilary Clinton would not have been nor still would be in the mix.

    And Obama would be moppin' the floor with John McClueless now.

  8. Obama being white wouldn't make Hillary any less of a douchebag, or Edwards any less of a philanderer.

    So yes, he would still be the nominee.

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