
If Barack Obama has a John Edwards-like flameout late in the campaign, what happens?

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1) Nothing. He still appears on the ballot.

2) John McCain automatically becomes president by acclamation.

3) Obama can withdraw, Hillary takes his place on the ticket because she was 2nd for the Democratic nomination.

4) Obama can withdraw, the party can parachute in any candidate they want (i.e. AL GORE).

5) Something else?

This is something that has me worried.




  1. If it happens after the democratic convention they're stuck with him.  He goes on the ballot and loses.  If it happens before the convention maybe they'll pick a different candidate.

  2. Remember Tom Eagleton? In 1972, he dropped out of the race after the convention. George McGovern picked a new vice presidential candidate, Sarge Shriver, and the choice was ratified by the Democrat National Commitee.

    In the case of the President, Obama (and to be fair, same applies to McCain) would have to withdraw. The national party would have a quick convention to pick a candidate.

    I would think Clinton would be the logical choice if it happened now, but it might depend on circumstances. If Obama died after the convention, there might be a movement to elevate the vice presidential choice and let that person pick a vice president.

    If this happened in late October, though, when the ballot was secured from changes, it would be a mess of mammoth proportions.

  3. If Obama bails then we would have to deal with Billary again.  You can only hope that people learned a lesson with that pair the first time around!

  4. obama rocks, i sure hope he wins over mccain.. everyone who likes him should vote for him on this page (and get a free gift card!!).

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