
If Barak Obama becomes president, is he going to withdraw all troops out of the middle east?

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Including Afghanistan and Kuwait? Or is he planning to withdraw troops just ONLY from Iraq?




  1. He's not going to withdraw troops from anywhere, although the levels might decrease.  He'll also move troops into African countries like Darfur, thus expanding the idea of "spreading democracy."

  2. He will send them over to Afghanistan. He will not move them out of Iraq any quicker than McCain.

  3. No.  He plans to leave troops in the area and call them back in if needed.

  4. If I'm not mistaken, the only branch of the military the President has direct control over is the Marine Corps.  So if he wins the White House, he could place them wherever he wants.  Here's a funny thing.  Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic Revolution two years ago said they were going to "pull our people out".  Well, they've had two years of oppertunity.  All they have to do is cut funding and our armed forces would have no choice but to come home.  Don't put too much faith in Liberals.  They're just the Marxist side of the bipartisanship we've grown to love.  

  5. what ever means LOSING faster.

  6. Politicians lie in order to get elected.  George Bush does it.  Jimmy Carter did it.  Richard Nixon did it.  And Obama is thinking up lies as we speak.

    I don't care if you are Democrat, or Republican.  You need to know that Barak Obama is not going to withdraw the troops.  He can't.  Your Democrat congress controls the purse strings of the war.  They could end it tomorrow by cutting off the funding.  But they don't.  There's too much at stake, and the Democratic congressmen have not brought the troops home.  They like to blame George Bush.  But the bottom line is, they keep funding the war.

    Barak will not bring the troop home until the situation is stable.  He might never bring them home.

  7. HA...HA....HA....HA....HA...

    obama does not know what to do or say anymore..he thought Georgia was in the United States, next to Missippi.  the Georgia being referenced is where the Russians attacked.   No, the poor guy has a lot to learn and No he will not withdraw troops even if he is elected because he does not know anything about foreign policy.  he has never worn the uniform, not even a boy scout was he....HA HA H HA..OBAMA HAS BEEN THE BEST JOKE THE U.S. EVER PRODUCED..MY STOMACH IS HURTING FROM SO MUCH LAUGHING...OBAMA, HAHAHAHHAHAHAH

  8. No that would be impossible .

    We don't need a good soldier running this country but a wise leader like Barrack Obama 2008

  9. He's isn't going to become president.

    So no he won't.

  10. He can't just withdraw all troops from all places for reasons:

    1- That will lead to disastrous situation in Iraq ( He won't care so much about that !!!)

    2- The US president isn't the person who sets the agenda, but he is the person who apply it. If he deviated from it, they simply get rid of him. He can only choose the way he do it ( use Wars like Bush, Or use diplomacy like Clinton)

    The US agenda needs the US troops in the middle east to:

    1- Have an access to the middle east oil

    2- Provide protection to Israel

  11. His name is Barrack, and he has said Afghanistan needs more support, but it is time to withdraw from Iraq as they failed to live up to their end of the agreement. We have a presence in Kuwait, much like Korea and Germany, so the troops can stay as a support to the conflicts.

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