
If Barrack Obama is elected as the president how will he take the oath?

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cause every president has to place their hand on the top of Bible when they take the oath.. But Obama is the muslim... so will he take the oath in front of the koran or something..




  1. So you're still clinging bitterly to that smear after 19 months of not being able to get anyone to believe it.

    How sad.

  2. I was thinking the same thing yesterday!  God forbid it even gets that far!

  3. please watch the news hes not muslim never was    

    and even if he was he would put his hands on the quran

  4. Now, why would he want to use either? the man is an unparalleled genius. you don't think he is going to allow any theology nonsense to interfere with the way he would be sworn in as president, would you. Shame on you. Have you not anything to think of for better intent? Go pull up some weeds in the garden.

  5. He's not going to win.  Obama has direct ties with known terrorists.  Obama blew it by going to that so-called "Christian" church with those racist preachers for 20+ years and lied about it.  Obama's upbringing was that of radical Islamic extremists, i.e. his direct relatives.  He hasn't got a snowballs chance it h**l to win....

  6. Barack Obama is a Christian and was sworn into the U.S. Senate using his family Bible. He will probably do the same thing when he becomes president. :-)

  7. First off, he will take the oath the same way past Presidents have done.

    Second, he is not a muslim.

    Third, quit letting other people do your thinking for you.

  8. It matters not, he will not be elected.

  9. You're joking.

  10. With his fingers crossed.

  11. 1)  It's the Qu'Ran.

    2)  He's not a Muslim.

  12. Give it a rest already Obama is a Christian. You are talking garbage and no one is buying it.

  13. Here's two facts:

    1) Obama is not Muslim.

    2) This post is idiotic.

  14. You have been a victim of the FOX news propaganda machine. They tell lies enough times so you think it's the truth.

    Obama is not a Muslim and so what if he is.

    A president can take an oath on the constitution. He puts his hand on a symbol, not a real thing.  

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